Hey there, welcome to my News app Front End project!
I built this project as part of my JavaScript Software Development Bootcamp at Nortcoders. This React Based Web App that connects to the backend API I previously developed.
Key Features:
- User-centric features: Designed around user stories, the app delivers exactly what users need in an intuitive and interactive way.
- Clean and reusable file structure: Components are organized for maintainability and reusability, making it easy to scale and expand the project.
- TailwindCSS: Leveraging Tailwind's utility-first approach, the app boasts a sleek, responsive, and flexible design.
- React Router: The app uses React Router to provide intuitive navigation, ensuring a fluid experience as users move between pages without unnecessary reloads.
- Mobile-first design: The app is optimized for a smooth experience on all devices, with a focus on mobile users.
Hosted Version : Here
Backend Repo : Here
Backend Hosted Version : Here
(note: spin-up period may take couple of minutes )
Note For Backend Hosted Verison : For Chrome users, recommend installing a JSON viewer extension to better format the API responses for easier readability.
User Stories:
- As a user, I can Sign Up.
- As a user, I can Log In to app.
- As a user, I can log off.
- As a user, I can delete my account.
- As s user, I can see all articles.
- As a user, I can see articles for particular category.
- As a user, I can see the particular article and the comments about article.
- As a user, I can post a comment about particular article.
- As a user, I can post article.
- As a user, I can delete the article which posted by me.
- As a user, I can delete my comment.
- As a user, I can give a vote to article (up or down).
- As a user, I can give a vote to comment (up or down).
Using Hosted Version: Getting Started:
- Sign in: Enter your username and to access the site ( You just need username and name ).
- Explore: Browse articles, read&post comments, and vote on your favorites.
- Share: Post your own articles.
- Userpage: View and manage your articles and user info in one place (You can delete your account here).
- Node.js: Minimum version
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Onuryilmaz24/nc-news.git
- Install Dependencies: In order to run the app locally you need to install developer dependencies
npm install
- Run the Server In order to host app in local server run the followwing command.
npm run dev
- Open Local Link After hosting app in local server ctrl + click to the localhost link and open in your browser.
"This project was created by Onur Yilmaz as part of the Digital Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering course provided by NorthCoders."