QtJambi 6.0 / 5.15.2
QtJambi is a wrapper for using Qt5 and Qt6 in Java. This release is built for JDK8, JDK11 and higher, tested on macOS, Windows and Linux.
QtJambi for Qt 5.15
Following Qt 5.15 modules are provided by QtJambi:
Qt5 Essentials
- QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets and Platform Headers in qtjambi-5.15.jar
- QtMultimedia and QtMultimediaWidgets in qtjambi-multimedia-5.15.jar
- QtNetwork in qtjambi-network-5.15.jar
- QtQml in qtjambi-qml-5.15.jar
- QtQuick in qtjambi-quick-5.15.jar
- QtQuickControls2 in qtjambi-quickcontrols-5.15.jar
- QtSql in qtjambi-sql-5.15.jar
- QtTest in qtjambi-test-5.15.jar
Qt5 Add-Ons
- QtBluetooth in qtjambi-bluetooth-5.15.jar
- QtConcurrent in qtjambi-concurrent-5.15.jar
- QtDBus in qtjambi-dbus-5.15.jar
- QtGamepad in qtjambi-gamepad-5.15.jar
- QtHelp in qtjambi-help-5.15.jar
- QtLocation in qtjambi-location-5.15.jar
- QtNfc in qtjambi-nfc-5.15.jar
- QtNetworkAuth in qtjambi-networkauth-5.15.jar
- QtPositioning in qtjambi-positioning-5.15.jar
- QtPrintSupport in qtjambi-printsupport-5.15.jar
- QtQuickWidgets in qtjambi-quickwidgets-5.15.jar
- QtRemoteObjects in qtjambi-remoteobjects-5.15.jar
- QtScript in qtjambi-script-5.15.jar
- QtScriptTools in qtjambi-scripttools-5.15.jar
- QtScxml in qtjambi-scxml-5.15.jar
- QtSensors in qtjambi-sensors-5.15.jar
- QtSerialBus in qtjambi-serialbus-5.15.jar
- QtSerialPort in qtjambi-serialport-5.15.jar
- QtSvg in qtjambi-svg-5.15.jar
- QtTextToSpeech in qtjambi-texttospeech-5.15.jar
- QtWebChannel in qtjambi-webchannel-5.15.jar
- QtWebEngine in qtjambi-webengine-5.15.jar
- QtWebEngineCore in qtjambi-webenginecore-5.15.jar
- QtWebEngineWidgets in qtjambi-webenginewidgets-5.15.jar
- QtWebSockets in qtjambi-websockets-5.15.jar
- QtWebView in qtjambi-webview-5.15.jar
- QtXml in qtjambi-xml-5.15.jar
- QtXmlPatterns in qtjambi-xmlpatterns-5.15.jar
- QtCharts in qtjambi-charts-5.15.jar
- QtDataVisualization in qtjambi-datavisualization-5.15.jar
- QtQuick3D in qtjambi-quick3d-5.15.jar
- QtDesigner in qtjambi-designer-5.15.jar
Platform Dependent Features
- QtMacExtras in qtjambi-macextras-5.15.jar
- QtWinExtras in qtjambi-winextras-5.15.jar
- QtX11Extras in qtjambi-x11extras-5.15.jar
- Qt3DCore in qtjambi-qt3dcore-5.15.jar
- Qt3DRender in qtjambi-qt3drender-5.15.jar
- Qt3DAnimation in qtjambi-qt3danimation-5.15.jar
- Qt3DExtras in qtjambi-qt3dextras-5.15.jar
- Qt3DInput in qtjambi-qt3dinput-5.15.jar
- Qt3DLogic in qtjambi-qt3dlogic-5.15.jar
- Qt3DQuick in qtjambi-qt3dquick-5.15.jar
- Qt3DQuickExtras in qtjambi-qt3dquickextras-5.15.jar
- Qt3DQuickScene3D in qtjambi-qt3dquickscene2d-5.15.jar
Platform-dependent Binaries
In addition to Java binaries you need platform-dependent libraries.
These packages contain QtJambi binaries for all modules listed above. Additionally, you need Qt to run these binaries.
It is recommended to ship only those native libraries actually used by your application.
QtJambi Plug-ins
- JDBC Plug-in for QtSql qtjambi-sql-jdbc-5.15.zip
QtJambi Tools for Plug-in Development
- Plugin Deployer in qtjambi-plugindeployer-5.15.jar
- Tools Binaries for Windows
- Tools Binaries for Linux
- Tools Binaries for macOS
QtJambi for JDK 1.8
All QtJambi modules are also available as JDK 1.8 build.
QtJambi for Qt 6.0
Following Qt 6.0 modules are provided by QtJambi:
Qt6 Essentials
- QtCore, QtGui and QtWidgets in qtjambi-6.0.jar
- QtDBus in qtjambi-dbus-6.0.jar
- QtNetwork in qtjambi-network-6.0.jar
- QtQml in qtjambi-qml-6.0.jar
- QtQuick in qtjambi-quick-6.0.jar
- QtQuickControls2 in qtjambi-quickcontrols-6.0.jar
- QtTest in qtjambi-test-6.0.jar
Qt6 Add-Ons
- QtConcurrent in qtjambi-concurrent-6.0.jar
- QtHelp in qtjambi-help-6.0.jar
- QtOpenGL in qtjambi-opengl-6.0.jar
- QtOpenGLWidgets in qtjambi-openglwidgets-6.0.jar
- QtPrintSupport in qtjambi-printsupport-6.0.jar
- QtQuick3D in qtjambi-quick3d-6.0.jar
- QtQuickWidgets in qtjambi-quickwidgets-6.0.jar
- QtSql in qtjambi-sql-6.0.jar
- QtSvg in qtjambi-svg-6.0.jar
- QtUITools in qtjambi-uitools-6.0.jar
- QtXml in qtjambi-xml-6.0.jar
- QtNetworkAuth in qtjambi-networkauth-6.0.jar
- QtDesigner in qtjambi-designer-6.0.jar
- Qt3DCore in qtjambi-qt3dcore-6.0.jar
- Qt3DRender in qtjambi-qt3drender-6.0.jar
- Qt3DAnimation in qtjambi-qt3danimation-6.0.jar
- Qt3DExtras in qtjambi-qt3dextras-6.0.jar
- Qt3DInput in qtjambi-qt3dinput-6.0.jar
- Qt3DLogic in qtjambi-qt3dlogic-6.0.jar
- Qt3DQuick in qtjambi-qt3dquick-6.0.jar
- Qt3DQuickExtras in qtjambi-qt3dquickextras-6.0.jar
- Qt3DQuickScene3D in qtjambi-qt3dquickscene2d-6.0.jar
Platform-dependent Binaries
In addition to Java binaries you need platform-dependent libraries.
These packages contain QtJambi binaries for all modules listed above. Additionally, you need Qt to run these binaries.
It is recommended to ship only those native libraries actually used by your application.
QtJambi Plug-ins
- JDBC Plug-in for QtSql qtjambi-sql-jdbc-6.0.zip
QtJambi Tools for Plug-in Development
- Plugin Deployer in qtjambi-plugindeployer-6.0.jar
- Tools Binaries for Windows
- Tools Binaries for Linux
- Tools Binaries for macOS
QtJambi for JDK 1.8
All QtJambi modules are also available as JDK 1.8 build.