Simple C language Compiler that is designed to compile basic functions of C language components.
- Flex: compile lex files
- Bison: compile yacc files
- Cygwin: generate executable files
- Variables and Constants declaration
- Mathematical expressions (+, -, *, /)
- Assignment statement
- Block structure ({}, ())
- MOV 3, R0 [move value 3 to register R0]
- MOV R0, x [move value in register R0 to variable x]
- ADD R0, R1, R2 [add the value in R0 & R1 and move it to R2]
- SUB R0, R1, R2 [the same as ADD but subtract]
- MUL R0, R1, R2 [the same as ADD but multiply]
- DIV R0, R1, R2 [the same as ADD but divide]