Note: This repo is archived and no longer actively maintained. Security vulnerabilities may exist in the project, or its dependencies. If you plan to reuse or run any code from this repo, be sure to perform appropriate security checks on the code or dependencies first. Do not use this project as the starting point of a production Office Add-in. Always start your production code by using the Office/SharePoint development workload in Visual Studio, or the Yeoman generator for Office Add-ins, and follow security best practices as you develop the add-in. This Word add-in will show you how to:
- Insert a template content from OOXML.
- Add boilerplate paragraphs.
- Insert an image.
- Search the text and insert content controls.
- Change the text of the content controls.
- Insert content from a file.
- Search by using wildcards.
- Insert footers into the document.
- Customize and insert OOXML by using setSelectedDataAsync API.
- dsdsds
To use the Document assembly add-in sample, the following are required.
- Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2013 with Update 5.
- Word 2016, or any client that supports the Word Javascript API.
Open the solution in Visual Studio and select F5 to run the sample. An instance of Word will start and you will see the add-in loaded into Word.
We'd love to get your feedback about the Document assembly Word add-in sample. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.
Questions about add-in development in general should be posted to Stack Overflow. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [office-js], [word], and [API].
Here are more resources to help you create Word Javascript API based add-ins:
- Office Add-ins platform overview
- Word add-ins
- Word add-ins programming overview
- Snippet Explorer for Word
- Word add-ins JavaScript API Reference
- Silly stories Word add-in sample
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.