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chartsdrawer: trendline class extended for logarithmic trendline (bez…
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ansaraidarbek committed Oct 11, 2023
1 parent ac78326 commit e1d8e0a
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 165 deletions.
314 changes: 149 additions & 165 deletions common/Charts/ChartsDrawer.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16140,114 +16140,26 @@ CColorObj.prototype =

_calculateLine: function (oSeries, coordinates) {
const lineGenerator = new Cline(coordinates);
if (lineGenerator.currentState) {
lineGenerator.createPath(oSeries, coordinates, this.cChartDrawer);

draw: function () {
// draw paths
let plotArea = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea;
if (this.coordinates) {
for (let i in this.coordinates) {
let oChart = this.cChartDrawer._getChartModelById(plotArea, i);
if (!oChart || !this.coordinates[i]) {
for (let j in this.coordinates[i]) {
let oSeries = this.cChartDrawer._getSeriesById(oChart, j);
if (!oSeries || !this.coordinates[i][j]) {
let pen = oSeries.trendline.spPr.ln;
if (pen && this.coordinates[i][j].path) {
this.cChartDrawer.drawPath(this.coordinates[i][j].path, pen);
let type = oSeries.trendline.trendlineType;
switch (type) {
this._calculateLinear(oSeries, coordinates);
this._calculateLogarithmic(oSeries, coordinates);

function Cline (coordinates) {
this.currentState = null;
this.states = {
1: new Clinear(),
2: new Clogarithmic()

Cline.prototype = {

constructor: Cline,

setState: function (key) {
this.currentState = this.states[key]

createPath: function (oSeries, coordinates, cChartDrawer) {
this.currentState.createPath(oSeries, coordinates, cChartDrawer, this._findSuppletiables);

_findSuppletiables: function (coordinates) {
// meanX = ∑x/n and meanY = ∑y/n
// m = Sxy/Sxx where Sxy = ∑(x-meanX)(y-meanY) and Sxx = ∑(x-meanX)^2
// b = meanY - (meanX * m)

const _findMeans = function (coordinates) {
let _meanY = 0;
let _meanX = 0;
const _n2 = coordinates.coords.length;
for (let j = 0; j < _n2; j++) {
_meanX += coordinates.coords[j].xVal;
_meanY += coordinates.coords[j].yVal;
return [_meanX / _n2, _meanY / _n2];

const _calculateM = function (coordinates, means) {
const _n2 = coordinates.coords.length;
let Sxx = 0;
let Sxy = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < _n2; j++) {
Sxx += (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]) * (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]);
Sxy += (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]) * (coordinates.coords[j].yVal - means[1]);
return [Sxy / Sxx];


const _calculateB = function (letiables, means) {
letiables.push(means[1] - (means[0] * letiables[0]))

let means = _findMeans(coordinates);
let letiables = _calculateM(coordinates, means);
_calculateB(letiables, means);

return letiables;

function Clinear(){


Clinear.prototype = {
constructor: Clinear,

createPath: function (oSeries, coordinates, cChartDrawer, findSuppletiables) {
let letiables = findSuppletiables(coordinates);
_calculateLinear: function (oSeries, coordinates) {
let letiables = this._findSuppletiables(coordinates);

const oChart = oSeries.parent;
const xAxis = cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_CatAx);
const yAxis = cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_ValAx);
const xAxis = this.cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_CatAx);
const yAxis = this.cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_ValAx);

let pathH = cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathH;
let pathW = cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathW;
let pathH = this.cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathH;
let pathW = this.cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathW;

let chartletiables = letiables;
if (chartletiables) {
Expand All @@ -16272,95 +16184,167 @@ CColorObj.prototype =
return result

const start = lineCoordinate(0, cChartDrawer)
const end = lineCoordinate(xAxis.xPoints.length - 1, cChartDrawer)
const start = lineCoordinate(0, this.cChartDrawer)
const end = lineCoordinate(xAxis.xPoints.length - 1, this.cChartDrawer)

let pathId = cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.AllocPath();
let path = cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.GetPath(pathId);
let pathId = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.AllocPath();
let path = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.GetPath(pathId);

path.moveTo(start.xPos * pathW, start.yPos * pathH);
path.lnTo(end.xPos * pathW, end.yPos * pathH);

coordinates.path = pathId;

function Clogarithmic(){
this.xAxis = null;
this.yAxis = null;

Clogarithmic.prototype = {
constructor: Clogarithmic,

createPath: function (oSeries, coordinates, cChartDrawer, findSuppletiables) {
_calculateLogarithmic: function (oSeries, coordinates) {
for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.coords.length; i++){
coordinates.coords[i].xVal = Math.log(coordinates.coords[i].xVal)
let letiables = findSuppletiables(coordinates);
let letiables = this._findSuppletiables(coordinates);
const oChart = oSeries.parent;
this.xAxis = cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_CatAx);
this.yAxis = cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_ValAx);
const xAxis = this.cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_CatAx);
const yAxis = this.cChartDrawer.getAxisFromAxId(oChart.axId, AscDFH.historyitem_type_ValAx);

let pathH = cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathH;
let pathW = cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathW;
let pathH = this.cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathH;
let pathW = this.cChartDrawer.calcProp.pathW;

let chartletiables = letiables;
if (chartletiables && this.xAxis && this.yAxis) {
if (chartletiables) {

const _lineCoordinate = function (xIndex, cChartDrawer) {
const result = {xPos:null, yPos:null, xVal:null};
let xVal = Math.log(xAxis.xPoints[xIndex].val);
const yVal = chartletiables[0] * xVal + chartletiables[1];
const yIndex = yAxis.yPoints.length - 1;
if (yVal < yAxis.yPoints[0].val) {
const newXVal = (yAxis.yPoints[0].val - chartletiables[1]) / chartletiables[0];
result.xVal = Math.exp(newXVal);
result.yVal = yAxis.yPoints[0].val;
result.xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(Math.exp(newXVal), xAxis);
result.yPos = yAxis.yPoints[0].pos;
} else if (yVal > yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].val) {
const newXVal = (yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].val - chartletiables[1]) / chartletiables[0];
result.xVal = Math.exp(newXVal);
result.yVal = yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].val;
result.xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(Math.exp(newXVal), xAxis);
result.yPos = yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].pos
} else {
result.xVal = Math.exp(xVal);
result.yVal = yVal;
result.xPos = xAxis.xPoints[xIndex].pos;
result.yPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(yVal, yAxis);
return result

const _findCentralPoint = function (start, end, chartletiables, cChartDrawer) {
// find startTangentLine, endTangentLine,
// find intersection of those tangentLines

const result = {xPos: null, yPos:null}

const _findLine = function (xVal, yVal) {
// derivative of y=mx+b => m/x; which will become a slope
// b = (y-(slope*x))
const m = chartletiables[0]/xVal
const b = yVal - (m * xVal)
return [m, b]

const line1Letiables = _findLine(start.xVal, start.yVal);
const line2Letiables = _findLine(end.xVal, end.yVal);

// to find newY = (b2-((m2/m1)b1))/(1-(m2/m1))
// to find newX = (y-b1)/m1

const yVal = (line2Letiables[1] - ((line2Letiables[0]/line1Letiables[0]) * line1Letiables[1])) / (1 - (line2Letiables[0]/line1Letiables[0]))
const xVal = (yVal - line1Letiables[1]) / line1Letiables[0]
result.yPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(yVal, yAxis);
result.xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(xVal, xAxis);

return result

const midPointsNum = 100;
const start = this._lineCoordinate(0, cChartDrawer, chartletiables);
const end = this._lineCoordinate(this.xAxis.xPoints.length - 1, cChartDrawer, chartletiables);
const mid = this._findMidCoordinates(midPointsNum, start.xVal, end.xVal, cChartDrawer, chartletiables);
const start = _lineCoordinate(0, this.cChartDrawer);
const end = _lineCoordinate(xAxis.xPoints.length - 1, this.cChartDrawer);
const mid = _findCentralPoint(start, end, chartletiables, this.cChartDrawer);

let pathId = cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.AllocPath();
let path = cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.GetPath(pathId);

let pathId = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.AllocPath();
let path = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.GetPath(pathId);
path.moveTo(start.xPos * pathW, start.yPos * pathH);
for (let i = 0; i<midPointsNum; i++) {
path.lnTo(mid[i].xPos * pathW, mid[i].yPos * pathH);
path.lnTo(end.xPos * pathW, end.yPos * pathH);
// for (let i = 0; i<midPointsNum; i++) {
// path.lnTo(mid[i].xPos * pathW, mid[i].yPos * pathH);
// }
path.quadBezTo(mid.xPos * pathW, mid.yPos * pathH, end.xPos * pathW, end.yPos * pathH);

coordinates.path = pathId;

_lineCoordinate: function (xIndex, cChartDrawer, chartletiables) {
const result = {xPos:null, yPos:null, xVal:null};
let xVal = Math.log(this.xAxis.xPoints[xIndex].val);
const yVal = chartletiables[0] * xVal + chartletiables[1];
const yIndex = this.yAxis.yPoints.length - 1;
if (yVal < this.yAxis.yPoints[0].val) {
const newXVal = (this.yAxis.yPoints[0].val - chartletiables[1]) / chartletiables[0];
result.xVal = newXVal;
result.xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(Math.exp(newXVal), this.xAxis);
result.yPos = this.yAxis.yPoints[0].pos;
} else if (yVal > this.yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].val) {
const newXVal = (this.yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].val - chartletiables[1]) / chartletiables[0];
result.xVal = newXVal;
result.xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(Math.exp(newXVal), this.xAxis);
result.yPos = this.yAxis.yPoints[yIndex].pos
} else {
result.xPos = this.xAxis.xPoints[xIndex].pos;
result.yPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(yVal, this.yAxis);
result.xVal = xVal;
return result
_findSuppletiables: function (coordinates) {
// meanX = ∑x/n and meanY = ∑y/n
// m = Sxy/Sxx where Sxy = ∑(x-meanX)(y-meanY) and Sxx = ∑(x-meanX)^2
// b = meanY - (meanX * m)

const _findMeans = function (coordinates) {
let _meanY = 0;
let _meanX = 0;
const _n2 = coordinates.coords.length;
for (let j = 0; j < _n2; j++) {
_meanX += coordinates.coords[j].xVal;
_meanY += coordinates.coords[j].yVal;
return [_meanX / _n2, _meanY / _n2];

const _calculateM = function (coordinates, means) {
const _n2 = coordinates.coords.length;
let Sxx = 0;
let Sxy = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < _n2; j++) {
Sxx += (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]) * (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]);
Sxy += (coordinates.coords[j].xVal - means[0]) * (coordinates.coords[j].yVal - means[1]);
return [Sxy / Sxx];


const _calculateB = function (letiables, means) {
letiables.push(means[1] - (means[0] * letiables[0]))

let means = _findMeans(coordinates);
let letiables = _calculateM(coordinates, means);
_calculateB(letiables, means);

return letiables;

_findMidCoordinates: function (pointsNumber, xValStart, xValEnd, cChartDrawer, chartletiables) {
const mid=[]
const xNet = xValEnd-xValStart;
for (let i =1; i<=pointsNumber; i++) {
const xVal = (xNet / (pointsNumber + 1)) * i + xValStart;
const yVal = chartletiables[0] * xVal + chartletiables[1];
const yPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(yVal, this.yAxis);
const xPos = cChartDrawer.getYPosition(Math.exp(xVal), this.xAxis);
mid.push({xPos:xPos, yPos:yPos})
return mid
draw: function () {
// draw paths
let plotArea = this.cChartDrawer.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea;
if (this.coordinates) {
for (let i in this.coordinates) {
let oChart = this.cChartDrawer._getChartModelById(plotArea, i);
if (!oChart || !this.coordinates[i]) {
for (let j in this.coordinates[i]) {
let oSeries = this.cChartDrawer._getSeriesById(oChart, j);
if (!oSeries || !this.coordinates[i][j]) {
let pen = oSeries.trendline.spPr.ln;
if (pen && this.coordinates[i][j].path) {
this.cChartDrawer.drawPath(this.coordinates[i][j].path, pen);

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