FFmpeg HDR Metadata Extractor is a HDR metadata extractor that uses ffprobe in order to retrieve HDR metadata from file, and generates ffmpeg parameters based on it. Specifically it generates comman line parameters for three codecs available in FFmpeg:
- x265
- libsvtav1
- libaom_av1
In order to use this python script you need python version 3+ and ffprobe binary installed somewhere on your system.
In Linux ffprobe usually came with ffmpeg package in your distribution.
In Windows, you should search and install ffmpeg package by yourself, good starting point is ffmpeg official site: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
get_hdr_metadata.py [-h] -i INPUT_FILE [-s INPUT_STREAM] [-e FFPROBE_BINARY]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
video file name from which hdr metadata needs to be extracted.
-s INPUT_STREAM, --input-stream INPUT_STREAM
video stream number in the input file, default 0.
specify ffprobe binary to use, default - "ffprobe".
On Windows you probably need to specify exact ffprobe.exe binary location.
For example: python get_hdr_metadata.py -e "C:\ffmpeg\ffprobe.exe" -i test.mkv