This angular schematic would allow you to deploy you Angular app to Firebase Hosting.
Run ng --version
, make sure you have angular CLI version greater than 8.
Add the schematic by running:
ng add kirjs-test-ng-deploy
This command will prompt you to login to firebase and configure the project.
ng deploy:firebase ?? this is tbd
To run the builder:
cd ng-deploy
npm install
npm start
In other terminal:
cd sample-app
npm install
npm link ../ng-deploy
ng add ng-deploy --project sample-app
npm i -g @angular-devkit/architect-cli@next
architect sample-app:deploy
## Or to test with the second app.
ng add ng-deploy --project second-app
architect second-app:deploy
or to debug
node --inspect-brk $(which architect) sample-app:deploy
node --inspect-brk $(which ng) add ng-deploy --project sample-app