Instructions for configuration the system: Pre-requisites: Composer (latest version); Mysql 5.7 or superior;
1 - Create a folder named BLUECODING;
- Clone the project from url into the project folder:
- After that, go to the project folder and install laravel's dependencies: composer install;
- Run also the commands: cp .env.example .env php artisan key:generate --ansi; php artisan cache:clear; php artisan config:clear; composer dump-autoload;
- Rename the .env_default to .env;
In the file 'app\Models\UrlShorteners.php', change the location of your PEM file, in order to run Guzzle Http Client to crawling the websites saved on your database:
On line 34, change 'YOUR_DIRECTORY' for the driver where your application is located: Ex.: $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['verify' => 'YOUR_DIRECTORY/bluecoding/backend/cacert.pem']);
- Execute php artisan migrate:fresh from command prompt in order to create all your database;
- After all configurations, go to the command prompt on project folder and run the command to start the server: php artisan serve
- Check if your mysql server is running and up;
To run the crawler job, execute the following command: php artisan schedule:work
To add new sites, run the command from your preferable API tool: with the parameter as form-data: KEY: url VALUE: a valid url address
To list the top100 sites of the application, run the command from your preferable API tool:
For testing url shortener, run the command from url browser: http://localhost:8000/YOUR_SHORT_CODE