A curated list of Rust code and resources, inspired by the other awesome lists. The goal is to have only projects that are mostly stable and useful to users.
If you want to contribute, please read this.
- Awesome Rust
- Applications written in Rust
- Development Tools
- Libraries
- Astronomy
- Asynchronous
- Audio
- Authentication
- Bioinformatics
- Build system
- Cloud
- Command-line argument parsing
- Compression
- Computation
- Concurrency
- Cryptography
- Database
- Data structures
- Date and time
- Distributed Systems
- Encoding
- Game development
- Games
- Geospatial
- Image processing
- Machine learning
- Markup language
- Mobile
- Network programming
- Parser
- Platform specific
- Template engine
- Text processing
- Web programming
- Resources
- License
- azerupi/mdBook — a command line utility to create books from markdown files
- bluejekyll/trust-dns — a DNS-server
- BurntSushi/xsv — a fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.)
- buster/rrun — a command launcher for Linux, similar to gmrun
- Emulators
- simias/rustation — a Playstation emulator
- gchp/iota — a simple text editor
- dlecan/generic-dns-update — a tool to update DNS zonefiles with your IP address
- Fractalide — Flow-based Programming environment.
- imjacobclark/Herd — an experimental HTTP load testing application
- jedisct1/flowgger — a fast, simple and lightweight data collector
- kbknapp/docli — a command line utility for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure
- MaidSafe — a decentralized platform.
- ogham/exa — a replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
- qmx/limonite — static blog/website generator
- seppo0010/rsedis — a Redis reimplementation
- Servo — a prototype web browser engine
- uutils/coreutils — a cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- Games Made With Piston
- lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format
- swatteau/sokoban-rs — a Sokoban implementation
- Zone of Control — a turn-based hexagonal strategy game
A comparison of operating systems written in Rust
- Clippy — Rust lints
- clog-tool/clog-cli — generates a changelog from git metadata (conventional changelog)
- dan-t/rusty-tags — create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies
- frewsxcv/crate-deps — generates images of dependency graphs for crates hosted on crates.io
- Multirust — manage multiple Rust installations
- brson/multirust — the original multirust as shell scripts
- Diggsey/multirust-rs — multirust reimplementation in Rust
- Racer — code completion for Rust
- rustfmt — a Rust code formatter
- lldb_batchmode.py — allows to use LLDB in a way similar to GDB's batch mode.
See also Foreign Function Interface, Rust Inside Other Languages and The Rust FFI Omnibus (a collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages).
- C
- crabtw/rust-bindgen — a Rust bindings generator
- Sean1708/rusty-cheddar — generates C header files from Rust source files
- Java
- drrb/java-rust-example — use Rust from Java
- Node.js
- rustbridge/neon — use Rust from Node.js
- Python
- dgrunwald/rust-cpython — Python bindings
- lukemetz/rustpy — Python bindings
See also http://areweideyet.com/ and Rust and IDEs.
- alexeykudinkin/intellij-rust — an IntelliJ-based IDE for Rust
- PistonDevelopers/VisualRust — a Visual Studio extension for Rust
- Ride —
- RustDT — an Eclipse-based IDE for Rust
- SolidOak — a simple IDE for Rust, based on GTK+ and Neovim
- Visual Studio Code
- ellisonch/rust-stopwatch — a stopwatch library
- mrhooray/torch — generates FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info
- BurntSushi/quickcheck — a Rust implementation of QuickCheck
- farcaller/shiny — a fancy syntax similar to Ruby's Rspec or Objective-C' kiwi
- frewsxcv/afl.rs — a Rust fuzzer, using AFL
- saurvs/astro-rust — astronomy for Rust
- zonyitoo/coio-rs — a coroutine I/O library with a working-stealing scheduler
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-fmod — FMOD bindings
- JeremyLetang/rust-portaudio — PortAudio bindings
- jhasse/ears — a simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile
- jpernst/openal-rs — OpenAL 1.1 bindings
- RustAudio
- samdoshi/portmidi-rs — PortMidi bindings
- keats/rust-jwt — JSON Web Token lib in rust
- Rust-Bio — bioinformatics libraries in Rust.
- Cargo — the Rust package manager
- rsolomo/cargo-check — a wrapper around
cargo rustc -- -Zno-trans
which can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks - kbknapp/cargo-count — lists source code counts and details about cargo projects, including unsafe statistics
- pwoolcoc/cargo-do — run multiple cargo commands in a row
- maxsnew/cargo-dot — generate graphs of a Cargo project's dependencies
- killercup/cargo-edit — allows you to add and list dependencies by reading/writing to your Cargo.toml file from the command line
- pwoolcoc/cargo-fmt — allows you to call
- kbknapp/cargo-graph — updated fork of
with additional features - kbknapp/cargo-outdated — displays when newer versions of Rust dependencies are available, or out of date
- DanielKeep/cargo-script — lets people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package ecosystem
- passcod/cargo-watch — utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change
- rsolomo/cargo-check — a wrapper around
- CMake
- SiegeLord/RustCMake — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
- aturon/crossbeam – Support for parallelism and low-level concurrency in Rust
- nikomatsakis/rayon – A data parallelism library for Rust
- DigitalOcean
- kbknapp/doapi — DigitalOcean v2 API bindings
- docopt/docopt.rs — a Rust implementation of DocOpt
- kbknapp/clap-rs — a simple to use, full featured command-line argument parser
- alexcrichton/bzip2-rs — libbz2 bindings
- alexcrichton/flate2-rs — miniz bindings
- alexcrichton/tar-rs — tar archive reading/writing in Rust
- ende76/brotli-rs — implementation of Brotli compression
- slackito/zip — read and write ZIP archives
- BLAS [blas]
- mikkyang/rust-blas — BLAS bindings
- stainless-steel/blas — BLAS bindings
- thestinger/rust-gmp — libgmp bindings
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-GSL — GSL bindings
- stainless-steel/lapack — LAPACK bindings
- OpenCL
- arrayfire/arrayfire-rust — Arrayfire bindings
- luqmana/rust-opencl — OpenCL bindings
- Scirust
- indigits/scirust — scientific computing library in Rust
- briansmith/ring — Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust and BoringSSL's cryptography primitives.
- briansmith/webpki — Web PKI TLS X.509 certificate validation in Rust.
- DaGenix/rust-crypto — cryptographic algorithms in Rust
- dnaq/sodiumoxide — libsodium bindings
- klutzy/suruga — a Rust implementation of TLS 1.2
- libOctavo/octavo — Modular hash and crypto library in Rust
- seb-m/common.rs — Common Rust crypto utilities
- sfackler/rust-openssl — OpenSSL bindings
- sfackler/r2d2 — generic connection pool
- NoSQL [nosql]
- Cassandra [cassandra, cql]
- tupshin/cassandra-rust — Cassandra bindings
- CouchDB [couchdb]
- couchdb-rs/couchdb [couchdb] — a Rust client for the CouchDB REST API
- Elasticsearch [elasticsearch]
- benashford/rs-es [rs-es] — a Rust client for the Elastic REST API
- ForestDB
- vhbit/sherwood — ForestDB bindings
- LMDB [lmdb]
- vhbit/lmdb-rs [lmdb-rs] — LMDB bindings
- MongoDB [mongodb]
- mongodb-labs/mongo-rust-driver-prototype [mongodb] — MongoDB bindings
- Neo4j [cypher, neo4j]
- Redis [redis]
- mitsuhiko/redis-rs — Redis library in Rust
- Cassandra [cassandra, cql]
- SQL [sql]
- MySql [mysql]
- blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple [mysql] — a native MySql client
- MySql [mysql]
- ORM [orm]
- deuterium-orm/deuterium-orm — an SQL query builder for Rust
- ivanceras/rustorm — an ORM for Rust
- phonkee/treasure — an ORM for Rust
- sgrif/diesel — an ORM and Query builder for Rust
- PostgreSql [postgres, postgresql]
- sfackler/rust-postgres [postgres] — a native PostgreSQL client
- Sqlite [sqlite]
- dckc/rust-sqlite3 — Sqlite3 bindings
- jgallagher/rusqlite — Sqlite3 bindings
- linuxfood/rustsqlite — Sqlite3 bindings
- bluss/rust-itertools —
- fizyk20/generic-array – a hack to allow for arrays sized by typenums
- Nemo157/roaring-rs – Roaring Bitmaps in Rust
- reem/rust-typemap —
- serde-rs/serde — a framework to generically serialize Rust data structures
- Apache Kafka
- Beanstalkd
- schickling/rust-beanstalkd — Beanstalkd bindings
- hyunsik/hdfs-rs — libhdfs bindings
- gsquire/sendgrid-rs — unofficial Rust library for SendGrid API
- lettre/lettre — an SMTP-library for Rust
- ASN.1
- alex/rust-asn1 — a Rust ASN.1 (DER) serializer
- Bencode
- arjantop/rust-bencode — Bencode implementation in Rust
- Binary
- arcnmx/nue — I/O and binary data encoding for Rust
- TyOverby/bincode — a binary encoder/decoder in Rust
- Byte swapping
- BurntSushi/byteorder — Supports big-endian, little-endian and native byte orders
- Cap'n Proto
- BurntSushi/rust-cbor — Supports JSON conversion and type-based encoding/decoding
- Character Encoding
- servo/html5ever — High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
- Jsonnet
- MsgPack
- mneumann/rust-msgpack —
- 3Hren/msgpack-rust — a pure Rust low/high level MessagePack implementation
- ProtocolBuffers
- Ron (Rusty Object Notation)
- Tnetstring
- Florob/RustyXML — an XML parser written in Rust
- netvl/xml-rs — a streaming XML library
- chyh1990/yaml-rust — The missing YAML 1.2 implementation for Rust.
- kimhyunkang/libyaml-rust — libyaml bindings
- Allegro
- SiegeLord/RustAllegro — Allegro 5 bindings
- Corange
- lucidscape/corange-rs — Corange bindings
- Piston
- Piston —
- SDL [sdl]
- AngryLawyer/rust-sdl2 — SDL2 bindings
- brson/rust-sdl — SDL1 bindings
- jeremyletang/rust-sfml — SFML bindings
- Voxlap
- bbodi/rust-voxlap — Voxlap bindings
- Georust — geospatial tools and libraries written in Rust
- PistonDevelopers/conrod — An easy-to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust
- Cocoa
- dcampbell24/iup-rust — IUP bindings
- Kiss-ui — a simple UI framework built on IUP
- GTK+ [gtk]
- gtk-rs/gtk — GTK+ bindings
- ncurses [ncurses]
- jeaye/ncurses-rs — ncurses bindings
- OpenGL [opengl]
- bjz/gl-rs —
- bjz/glfw-rs —
- tomaka/glium — safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language.
- tomaka/glutin — Rust alternative to GLFW
- Qt
- cyndis/qmlrs — QtQuick bindings
- Termbox
- gchp/rustbox — a Rust implementation of termbox
- chyh1990/imageproc — An advanced image processing library for Rust.
- cybergeek94/img-hash — Perceptual image hashing and comparison for equality and similarity.
- PistonDevelopers/image — Basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats
- autumnai/leaf — Open Machine Intelligence framework.
- maciejkula/rustlearn — Machine learning crate for Rust.
- CommonMark
- google/pulldown-cmark — CommonMark parser in Rust
- Android
- tomaka/android-rs-glue — glue between Rust and Android
- iOS
- TimNN/cargo-lipo — a cargo lipo subcommand which automatically creates a universal library for use with your iOS application.
- vhbit/ObjCrust — using Rust to create an iOS static library
- Pebble
- andars/pebble.rs — a crate that allows Rust to be used to develop Pebble applications.
- Raspberry Pi
- Ogeon/rust-on-raspberry-pi — instructions for how to cross compile Rust projects for the Raspberry Pi .
- mattnenterprise/rust-ftp — an FTP client for Rust
- Low level
- libpnet/libpnet — a cross-platform, low level networking
- NanoMsg
- thehydroimpulse/nanomsg.rs — nanomsg bindings
- mattnenterprise/rust-nntp — an NNTP client for Rust
- POP3
- mattnenterprise/rust-pop3 — a POP3 client for Rust
- alexcrichton/ssh2-rs — libssh2 bindings
- Stomp
- zslayton/stomp-rs — a STOMP 1.2 client implementation in Rust
- uTP
- meqif/rust-utp — a uTP (Micro Transport Protocol) library for Rust.
- ZeroMQ
- erickt/rust-zmq — ZeroMQ bindings
- Geal/nom — parser combinator library
- ivanceras/inquerest — an URL parameter parser for rest filter inquiry
- kevinmehall/rust-peg — Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator
- m4rw3r/chomp – A fast monadic-style parser combinator
- Marwes/combine — parser combinator library
- rustless/queryst — a query string parsing library for Rust inspired by https://github.com/ljharb/qs
- Linux
- hannobraun/inotify-rs — inotify bindings
- Unix-like
- carllerche/nix-rust — Unix-like API bindings
- zargony/rust-fuse — FUSE bindings
- Windows
- retep998/winapi-rs — Windows API bindings
- Handlebars
- sunng87/handlebars-rust — Handlebars template engine with inheritance, custom helper support.
- lfairy/maud — compile-time HTML templates
- Stebalien/horrorshow-rs — compile-time HTML templates
- Mustache
- tailhook/marafet — Compiler for Jade-like template language to cito.js-based virtual dom
- BurntSushi/suffix — Linear time suffix array construction (with Unicode support)
- BurntSushi/tabwriter — Elastic tab stops (i.e., text column alignment)
- pwoolcoc/ngrams — Construct n-grams from arbitrary iterators
- rust-lang-nursery/regex — Regular expressions (RE2 style)
See also Rust web framework comparison.
- HTTP Client
- carllerche/curl-rust — libcurl bindings
- hyperium/hyper — an HTTP implementation
- vhbit/curl-rs — libcurl bindings
- HTTP Server
- hyperium/hyper — an HTTP implementation
- Iron — a middleware-based server framework
- sunng87/handlebars-iron — Handlebars-rust as an Iron web framework middleware.
- Nickel — inspired by Express
- Ogeon/rustful — a RESTful web framework for Rust
- Rustless — a REST-like API micro-framework inspired by Grape and Hyper
- tiny-http — Low level HTTP server library
- WebSocket
- cyderize/rust-websocket — a framework for dealing with WebSocket connections (both clients and servers)
- housleyjk/ws-rs — lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust
- Benchmarks
- TeXitoi/benchmarksgame-rs — Rust implementations for the The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
- Podcasts
- New Rustacean — a podcast about learning Rust
- Rusty Radio — covering the rust ecosystem
- Rust by Example
- RustCamp 2015 Talks
- Rust Design Patterns
- Rust Guidelines
- rust-learning — a collection of useful resources to learn Rust
- Rustlings — small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code