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Input Data

NoahHenrikKleinschmidt edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Input Data

Qiagen RotorGene® generates raw CT data in a two column format. The first column shows the run-/replicate name, while the second shows the actual CT value.

This package is designed to work with csv files with this kind of data formatting and will only function properly if the formatting is fulfilled. Furthermore, package is designed to work with multiple separate data-files, so that different qPCR runs may be stored in their separate data sheets and yet easily combined during analysis. This package is also designed to work directly with the raw CT values so there is no need to pre-compute the average of each group of replicates!

Sample CT
geneX_1 10.6
geneX_2 10.9
geneX_3 10.2
geneY_1 5.8
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