In this project, lane line of the road identified using Python and OpenCV. A pipeline is created to test the result initially on images and later applied the results to video stream (series of images).
Raw input image of a road.
Output Image with identified lane lines.
The pipeline for image consist of 11 steps-
Read the image of the road whose lane line is needed to be detected
#reading an image
image = mpimg.imread('test_images/whiteCarLaneSwitch.jpg')
#printing out its type, dimensions and plotting it
print('This image is:', type(image), 'with dimensions:', image.shape)
plt.imshow(image) # if you wanted to show a single color channel image called 'gray', for example, call as plt.imshow(gray, cmap='gray')
function is used to convert the test_image to the grayscaled image. This function uses the cv2.cvtColor()
opencv function which convert images from one color space to another.
#show the grayscaled image
gray = grayscale(image)
plt.imshow(gray, cmap='gray')
function is defined to convert the test_image to the HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) color space. This function uses the cv2.cvtColor()
opencv function which convert images from one color space to another.
#show the grayscaled image
hsv_img = hsvscale(image)
Upper and lower range for the lane color (here, yellow and white) is defiined. With use of opencv function cv2.inRange()
, yellow and white part within defined range extracted from the hsv image. cv2.bitwise_or
function is used to combine both extracted images like logical 'OR' operation.
#range of color in HSV image
lower_range_y = np.array([20,100,100])
upper_range_y = np.array([30,255,255])
lower_range_w = np.array([0,0,235])
upper_range_w = np.array([255,255,255])
# extract yellow and white part from the image
yellow_part = cv2.inRange(hsv_img, lower_range_y, upper_range_y)
white_part = cv2. inRange(hsv_img, lower_range_w, upper_range_w)
# masking both extracted images
whole_mask = cv2.bitwise_or(yellow_part, white_part)
Dividing the pixel values of a grayscale image (gray) by 2 and then converting the resulting array to the data type uint8. This operation will reduce the overall brightness of the image by half.
# brightness reduction of gray image
lower_brightness_gray = (gray / 2).astype('uint8')
The bitwise_or()
operation combines the two images so that the resulting image has the lane line highlighted on the darker image background. By applying the 'whole_mask' on top of the 'lower_brightness_gray' image, the lane line is emphasized and made more visible, while the rest of the image remains darkened.
#boosted image
boost_lane = cv2.bitwise_or(lower_brightness_gray, whole_mask)
function is used to blur the input image. This function uses the cv2.GaussianBlur()
opencv function which reduce image noise and smooth out details in an image.
#gaussian blur
blur_img = gaussian_blur(boost_lane, 5)
function is used to convert input image to edges image. Here it uses the cv2.canny()
opencv function which returns a binary image with white pixels tracing out the detected edges and black everywhere else.
# canny edge detection apply
edges = canny(blur_img, 60, 150)
The region_of_interest()
function is used to mask a area according to your desired shape in a image. Here we have used a quardilateral shaped masking region with following vertices.
# masked edges
vertices = np.array([[(0, 540), (450,315), (500,315), (960,540)]], dtype=np.int32)
masked_edges = region_of_interest(edges, vertices)
rho = 3 # distance resolution in pixels of the Hough grid
theta = np.pi/180 # angular resolution in radians of the Hough grid
threshold = 40 # minimum number of votes (intersections in Hough grid cell)
min_line_len = 70 #minimum number of pixels making up a line
max_line_gap = 250 # maximum gap in pixels between connectable line segments
# Run Hough on edge detected image
color_edges = hough_lines(masked_edges, rho, theta, threshold, min_line_len, max_line_gap)
In order to draw a single line for the left and right lane the draw_line()
function has been modified (line extrapolaion) to -
def draw_lines(img, lines, color=[255, 0, 0], thickness=2):
slope_lines = []
intercept_lines = []
slope_left = []
slope_right = []
intercept_left = []
intercept_right = []
img_x_size = img.shape[1]
img_y_size = img.shape[0]
slope_left_sign = []
slope_right_sign = []
# slopes and intercept of all lines
for line in lines:
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
slope_ind = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
intercept_ind = y1 - x1 * ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))
for val in slope_lines:
if val < 0:
mean_slope_left = np.mean(slope_left_sign)
std_slope_left = np.std(slope_left_sign)
mean_slope_right = np.mean(slope_right_sign)
std_slope_right = np.std(slope_right_sign)
for s,i in zip(slope_lines, intercept_lines):
if abs(s-mean_slope_left) < std_slope_left:
elif abs(s-mean_slope_right) < std_slope_right:
if len(slope_left) > 0:
left_line_para = [sum(slope_left)/len(slope_left), sum(intercept_left)/len(intercept_left)]
left_y1 = int(img_y_size)
left_x1 = int((left_y1 - left_line_para[1])/ left_line_para[0])
left_y2 = int(img_y_size * 0.580)
left_x2 = int((left_y2 - left_line_para[1])/ left_line_para[0])
cv2.line(img, (left_x1, left_y1), (left_x2, left_y2), color, 10)
if len(slope_right) > 0:
right_line_para = [sum(slope_right)/len(slope_right), sum(intercept_right)/len(intercept_right)]
right_y1 = int(img_y_size)
right_x1 = int((right_y1 - right_line_para[1])/ right_line_para[0])
right_y2 = int(img_y_size * 0.580)
right_x2 = int((right_y2 - right_line_para[1])/ right_line_para[0])
cv2.line(img, (right_x1, right_y1), (right_x2, right_y2), color, 10)
After modifying draw_line()
, the output of hough_lines()
uses the cv2.addWeighted()
opencv function which returns the added weighted sum of the array of two images i.e line image and raw image.
# drawing line on edges image
line_edge = weighted_img(color_edges, image)
mpimg.imsave('test_images_output/whiteCarLaneSwitch.jpg', line_edge)
The pipeline for video contain one step-
ef process_image(image):
#gray scale conversion
gray = grayscale(image)
#hsv image
hsv_img = hsvscale(image)
#range of color in HSV image
lower_range_y = np.array([20,100,100])
upper_range_y = np.array([30,255,255])
lower_range_w = np.array([0,0,235])
upper_range_w = np.array([255,255,255])
# extract yellow and white part from the image
yellow_part = cv2.inRange(hsv_img, lower_range_y, upper_range_y)
white_part = cv2. inRange(hsv_img, lower_range_w, upper_range_w)
whole_mask = cv2.bitwise_or(yellow_part, white_part)
# brightness reduction of gray image
lower_brightness_gray = (gray / 2).astype('uint8')
#boosted image
boost_lane = cv2.bitwise_or(lower_brightness_gray, whole_mask)
#gaussian blur
blur_img = gaussian_blur(boost_lane, 5)
# canny edge detection apply
edges = canny(blur_img, 60, 150)
# masked edges
vertices = np.array([[(50, 540), (460,310), (500,310), (960,540)]], dtype=np.int32)
masked_edges = region_of_interest(edges, vertices)
# hough lines
color_edges = hough_lines(masked_edges, 3, np.pi/180, 40, 70,250)
# hough_lines(img, rho, theta, threshold, min_line_len, max_line_gap)
# drawing line on edges image
result = weighted_img(color_edges, image)
return result