Mashup performs the following tasks:
- Download N videos of X singer from “Youtube” [N can be any positive number and X can be any singer e.g. sharry maan]
- Convert all the videos to audio
- Cut first Y sec audios from all downloaded files [Y can be any positive number]
- Merge all audios to make a single output file.
Usage: python <> <SingerName> <NumberOfVideos> <AudioDuration> <OutputFileName>
Example: python “Sharry Maan” 20 20 audio-output.mp3
This project has been created using the concept of multi-threading.
Multi-threading is a programming concept that allows multiple threads of execution to run concurrently within a single process. A thread is a separate path of execution within a program that can perform a specific task independently of other threads. By using multi-threading, a program can utilize the resources of a CPU more efficiently and can perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
Multiple threads have been created to faster the process of downloading.
Multi-Treading reduced the process time significantly.
Folder is created on desktop containing the final mashedup audio file:
Video Folder:
Audio Folder:
Folder made after cutting the audios:
Output file:
Mashup could be used in various applications such as:
Music Production: This could be used by music producers to create new remixes or mashups of popular songs by a specific artist. They could download multiple videos of the artist from Youtube, extract the audio, and then use the cut and merge features to create a new, unique audio file.
Podcasting: Podcasters could use this to create a highlight reel of interviews or discussions they have had with a particular guest.
Entertainment Industry: This could also be used in the entertainment industry to create promotional material for upcoming concerts or events.