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In this article, we will explore how to create a robust e-commerce cart using React.js, Redux, RTK-Query, and the Bootstrap library. Our project aims to display products to users by leveraging third-party APIs and utilizing RTK-Query for efficient data fetching. With Redux, we will manage the application's data, enabling us to perform CRUD operations such as deleting, removing, adding, and updating product quantities. Let's dive into the details!
- Install Node.js and npm.
- Create a new React.js project with Create React App.
- Install dependencies: Redux, RTK-Query, Bootstrap, and other required packages.
- Utilize RTK-Query to fetch product data from a third-party API.
- Define endpoints to retrieve product details, including images, descriptions, and pricing.
- Leverage the power of RTK-Query's caching mechanism for optimized data fetching.
- Set up Redux to manage the application's global state.
- Create reducers, actions, and selectors for handling cart-related operations.
- Use Redux Toolkit to streamline the development process.
- Enable the ability to add products to the cart, remove items, and update quantities.
- Define Redux actions and reducers to perform these operations.
- Keep the application state in sync with user interactions.
- Utilize the Bootstrap library for a clean and responsive user interface.
- Leverage Bootstrap components to create an appealing and user-friendly cart design.
- Customize the styles to align with the overall theme of your e-commerce application.
In this article, we explored the process of building an efficient e-commerce cart using React.js, Redux, RTK-Query, and Bootstrap. By leveraging RTK-Query, we fetched product data from a third-party API and efficiently managed data fetching. With Redux, we maintained a centralized application state and performed CRUD operations seamlessly. Additionally, Bootstrap empowered us to create an aesthetically pleasing and responsive cart layout. By mastering these techniques, you can develop impressive e-commerce carts that provide a seamless shopping experience for your users. Happy coding!
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