Nicholas Frangie
This project shows ...
Styled page with CSS:
- Set the font-family of all elements on the page to a custom font
- Set background-color for the page body, th, and td table cells
- Centered all content on the page with classes
- Set colors and font-weight for headers
- Created table, th, td collapsed borders
- Padded and left-aligned text in th and td tags
JavaScript Animation:
Added a simple JS animation where the image on the page increases in size to a maximum while the user is hovering over it, and then decreases in size to its initial size when the user's mouse isn't hovering over it.
Additional HTML Tags:
- table, tr, td, and th tags for table structure
- link tag for importing stylesheets
- img tag for displaying an image
- hr tag for breaking page into subsections
- h4 tag for organizing page subsections
- i, b tags for text styling
Color Palette:
I used a Monochromatic palette of green shades from the target website, and included a screenshot as color_wheel.png
Google Fonts:
I used Saira Semi Condensed as my site's font