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A lightweight sidekick for accessing SQL databases in Go.

Azamat Bagatov


  • Declare your db tables as structs
  • Associate each table with a type that represents an entry in the table (using generics)
  • Use the table structs to build and execute queries

What isn't azamat?

Azamat is NOT an ORM. With azamat, you are still going to be writing SQL.

If you are looking for an ORM-like experience in Go, I highly recommend Ent.

What is azamat?

If you don't want to (or can't) use an ORM for some reason, azamat might be able to help you.

Azamat is a thin collection of utilities glued together to help you access SQL databases in Go:

  • squirrel 🐿 is a SQL query builder. It allows us to programmatically build SQL queries. This is easier to read, less error prone, and more ergonomic than building query strings manually.
  • sqlx extends Go's standard library database/sql with some useful utilities.
  • generics are a new feature added to Go in version 1.18 (March 2022). Azamat leverages generics to save you from having to write boilerplate code.

Getting Started

For a detailed introduction to azamat, check out the guided tutorial.

// Imagine we have the following entity...
type Todo struct {
    ID        int
    Title     string
    Completed bool

// With azamat, we define our tables as /generic/ structs

// These structs accept a type parameter that tell azamat how to unmarshal rows in
// the given table

var TodoTable = azamat.Table[Todo]{
    Name:    "todos",
    Columns: []string{

func main() {
    db, err := azamat.Connect(...)

    // We can GetByID and GetAll
    todo, err := TodoTable.GetByID(db, 420)
    todos, err := TodoTable.GetAll(db)

    // We can build queries:
    query := TodoTable.Select().Where("completed = ?", false)

    // To execute queries, we have All() and Only()

    todos, err = query.All(db) // 'All' gets all rows returned by the query

    todo, err = query.Only(db) // 'Only' expects a single row to be returned

     // We can build insert/updates/deletes:
    todoTitle := "buy food for bear"
    insert := TodoTable.
        Columns("title", "completed").
        Values(todoTitle, false)

    // To execute an insert/update/delete, we have Run()
    result, err := insert.Run(db)
    todoID, err := result.LastInsertId()

    update := TodoTable.Update().
        Set("title", todoTitle+"🐻").
        Set("completed", true).
        Where("id = ?", todoID)

    _, err = update.Run(db)

    delete := TodoTable.Delete().Where("id = ?", todoID)
    _, err = delete.Run(db)

    // All of the above code can be run on a DB or as part of a Tx



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