Baron — a small, fast and crossbrowser custom scrollbar with native system scroll mechanic.
- Doesn't replace native system scroll mechanic.
- Customizable scrollbar design with full CSS support.
- No strong dependencies on jQuery.
- Plugin system (fixable headers, sticky footer, autotests and more)
- (new) Can be inited on hidden blocks
Baron just hides the system scrollbar, without removing it. This guarantees scrolling will work on any system where the CSS property 'overflow: scroll' is applied.
If you want only to hide system scrollbar:
- Include either the development or minified version of baron.js:
<script src="baron.js"></script>
- Make some HTML:
<div class="scroller">
Your scrollable content here
- And some CSS:
.scroller {
overflow-y: scroll;
/* -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; *//* uncomment to accelerate scrolling on iOS */
.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar { /* Prevents webkit cross-direction scrolling bug */
width: 0;
Note: you can choose any class names, and style them as you want.
- Initialize baron:
<div class="scroller">
Your scrollable content here
<div class="scroller__track"><!-- Track is optional -->
<div class="scroller__bar"></div>
.scroller {
overflow-y: scroll;
/* -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; *//* uncomment to accelerate scrolling on iOS */
.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar { /* Preventing webkit cross-direction scrolling bug */
width: 0;
.scroller__track {
display: none; /* Invisible by default */
position: absolute;
right: 4px;
top: 10px;
bottom: 4px;
width: 10px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
.baron .scroller__track {
display: block; /* Visible when scrolling is possible */
.scroller__bar { /* The bar. You should define width, right position and background */
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
right: 0;
width: 10px;
background: #999;
You can specify some parameters on baron initialization:
var scroll = $('.scroller').baron(params);
// or
var scroll = baron(params);
and store baron scrollbar object to scroll
var params = {
// Selector for scroller element.
// Default: this (in jQuery mode).
scroller: '.scroller',
// Root html element for baron. Use this param when your html-scrollbar content is outside scroller
// Default: scroller
root: $('.my_scroller'),
// Selector for bar element
// Default: 'undefined'
bar: '.scroller__bar',
// Track
// Default: parent node of bar
track: '.scroller__track',
// CSS classname for scroller when its needed (when content height above scroller heights)
// Default: ''
barOnCls: 'baron',
// Note: by default scroller__bar should be invisible
// Scroll direction
// Default: 'v' (vertical), 'h' for second baron invocation
direction: 'h',
// Freezing size of scroller parent, if true. Actual for horizontal scrolling.
// Default: false
freeze: true,
// Minimum time delay between two scroll or resize events fires in seconds
// Default: 0
pause: .2,
// Redefines standard baron resize function
// @param {Object} params { scroller: {Object}, size: {String}, was: {String}, will: {String}, baron: {Object} }
onResize: function(params) {
$(params.scroller).css(params.crossSize, params.will);
// Local copy of jQuery-like utility
// Default: window.jQuery
$: function(selector, context) {
return bonzo(qwery(selector, context));
// Event manager
// Default: function(elem, event, func, mode) { params.$(elem)[mode || 'on'](event, func); };
event: function(elem, event, func, mode) { // Events manager
if (mode == 'trigger') {
mode = 'fire';
bean[mode || 'on'](elem, event, func);
All parameters are optional (except scroller or root, if you are not using baron as jQuery plugin).
scroll.update(); // Update scroller for ie10- (MutationObserver supported)
scroll.dispose(); // Remove baron instance and related event handlers
Note: baron returns the baron object, even in jQuery mode. That can break jQuery chaining. For example, you can't do this:
but you can:
and even more:
var scroll = $('.scroller').css().animate().baron().fix();
scroll.baron({direction: 'h'}).test().anotherBaronPlugin();
Every baron plugin sould return baron object (this);
To switch default vertical direction to horizontal direction just set 'direction' param to 'h' value:
direction: 'h'
If you want to scroll in both directions (vertical and horizontal) you must initialize baron two times: one per direction. In than case you can do chaining:
Note: think about horizontal baron as about second independent baron instance, or as about plugin for 'baron', which simply calls 'baron' with redefined default params - both statements are true, actually. Unfortunately, in case above you only can manage last baron instance in chain (to update or dispose it). To manage both you have to initialize them independently:
vScroll = baron(vParams);
hScroll = baron(hParams);
##Updating baron
When container size changed (for example: you load additional data to the container using ajax), you should call update() method:
or fire custom event 'sizeChange' to wrapper:
##Disposing baron
If you removed html-nodes, which used baron, from DOM, dont forget dispose related baron instance manually. Use 'dispose' method for that.
##noConflict mode
If you need window.baron for another purposes you can restore original value:
// window.baron points to some other library
// you include baron, it replaces the window.baron variable to baron namespace
var graf = baron.noConflict();
// now window.baron points to that other library again, and you can use window.graf() etc.
If you want exclude plugins functionality, type
grunt core
in your console, and you will get dist/baron.js and dist/baron.min.js only with core functionality.
grunt full
to build full version of baron (including all available plugins).
Output files you can find in /dist/ folder.
Full support: Chrome 1+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 5+, Opera 9+ on Windows, OS X and iOS. Also, the best ever browser downloader - Internet Explorer - supported since version 7.
Partial (core) support: IE6.
Not supported: Opera mini, old versions of Android browser, and other browsers which does not implemented the overflow: scroll
CSS property.
To use fixable headers you should initialize fix plugin after baron:
<div class="scroller">
<div class="header__title-wrapper">
<div class="header__title">First element</div>
<div class="header__title-wrapper">
<div class="header__title">Second element</div>
var params = {
// CSS selector for fixable elements
// Must have parentNode (no margin and padding allowed!) with same height (see demo for details). Also see 'limiter' parameter.
elements: '.header__title',
// CSS class for elements which now are outside of viewport
outside: 'header__title_state_fixed',
// CSS class for elements which now are in viewport
inside: 'header__title_state_unfixed',
// CSS class for closest outsite element wrapper from top (left)
before: 'header__title_position_top',
// CSS class for closest outsite element wrapper from bottom (right)
after: 'header__title_position_bottom',
// if true - sets track top (left) position to header[0].parentNode.offsetHeight (offsetWidth)
// Default: false
limiter: true,
// Radius for element fixing in px
// Default: 0
radius: 10,
// Works identical to outside as if radius === 0
grad: 'header__title_state_grad',
// Wether click on element should scroll to
clickable: false,
// User defined callback on click (data == {x1: current scrollTop, x2: new scrollTop})
scroll: function(data) {}
var params = {
// Element to be used as interactive track. Note: it could be different from 'track' param of baron.
track: '.visual-track',
// Element to be used as 'down' / 'right' button
forward: '.forward-btn',
// Element to be used as 'up' / 'left' button
backward: '.backward-btn',
// Multiplyer for page-down action. Use 1 to scroll preciesly one screen per track click.
// Default: .9
screen: .5
// Scroll distance per control button click in px
// Default: 30
delta: 40
If you have some troubles with baron, use test plugin:
And read results in browser console.
There is no params for test() right now.