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Atomicals ElectrumX Docker

Aims to provide a simple and easy way to run atomicals-electrumx server.


1. Bitcoin Full Node with txindex=1 and enable rpc. A example of bitcoin.conf:


# genearate with [](
# equals to `rpcuser=nextdao` and `rpcpassword=nextdao`



2. Install Docker with docker-compose.

3. At least 110G left in your storage.


1. Download docker-compose.yml to a folder.

Edit docker-compose.yml:

  • Change to lan ip of the bitcoin core host, eg:
  • Also change nextdao:nextdao to your rpcuser:rpcpassword in `bitcoin.conf

2. Run the RPC server:

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
  • the electrumx indexes stored in ./electrumx-data directory.
  • use docker-compose logs -f to check the logs.
  • use docker-compose down to stop the server.

3. Used in atomicals-js

Edit .env with ELECTRUMX_PROXY_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/proxy, then use all commands as usual.

If you run atomicals cli in anthoer host, change localhost to the ip of the proxy server.


1. How to check if the server is ready?

docker-compose ps

If you see electrumx is healthy, then the server is ready.

2. ERROR:Daemon:connection problem - check your daemon is running. Retrying occasionally...

  1. Check if bitcoind is running.
  2. Check if rpcbind include the ip used in DAEMON_URL

3. ERROR:Daemon:daemon service refused: Forbidden. Retrying occasionally...

  1. Run docker-compose ps to check your container name. eg: electrumx-electrumx-1
  2. Run docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' electrumx-electrumx-1 to get container ip
  3. Check if the ip in rpcallow range

4. ERROR:Daemon:daemon service refused: Unauthorize. Retrying occasionally...

Check if rpc username and password correct?

5. Why the sync is so slow?

There are many reasons that may cause the sync slow.

  1. The bitcoind is not fully synced.
  2. You are using a HDD instead of SSD.
  3. Your CPU single core performance is not good enough.
  4. You are runing docker on windows or macos.