Implementation for the ECCV 2024 paper "Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visual Question Answering" [paper link]
DownLoad Link: [Google Drive] [Baidu NetDisk (password: DSPS)]
- "gqa-sps-balanced-X-val-Y.json" is the question json for the val-Y split of X SPS, where X
$\in$ {word, visual entity, referent}, and Y$\in$ {A, B}. - "" contains the images for "gqa-sps-balanced-visual-entity-val-A&B.json", for each image, "image_id.jpg" is used for model input, and "image_id_hl.jpg" high lights the substituted objects.
DownLoad Link: [Google Drive] [Baidu NetDisk (password: DSPS)]
- "vqav2-sps-questions-X-val-Y.json" is the question json for the val-Y split of X SPS, where X
$\in$ {word, visual entity, referent}, and Y$\in$ {A, B}. - "vqav2-sps-annotations-X-val-Y.json" is the annotation json for the val-Y split of X SPS, where X
$\in$ {word, visual entity, referent}, and Y$\in$ {A, B}. - "" contains the images for "vqav2-sps-questions-visual-entity-val-A&B.json", for each image, "image_id.jpg" is used for model input, and "image_id_hl.jpg" high lights the substituted objects.