The Amador Valley High School Neuroscience Club strives to contribute to the community during the pandemic by developing an iOS app to help people with an early onset of dementia. You can visit our website to learn more about who we are and what we do.
If you are a member of the AVHS Neuroscience Club, make sure to follow annallee and/or Mochi03 so you can be added as an official contributor to this repository and a member of the Neuroscience-Amador-Valley organization.
Feel free to contribute to this repository! All you have to do is clone this project onto your local computer and begin coding. If you want to merge your code with the master
branch, make sure to create a new pull request to others can review and approve your code.
If you would like assistance with how to get started or contribute to this repository, you can email us at [email protected].
2020-2021 Neuroscience Amador Valley