Welcome to the Neokingdom DAO Contacts.
- NEOKingdom DAO Yellow Paper describes why this project exists, and provides high level overview of the structure of the smart contracts.
- Flow charts includes four flow charts:
- contributor shows how new people are added to the DAO as contributors.
- proposal gives an overview of the governance process of the DAO.
- tokenomics explains how tokens are moved from the contributor's wallet to another wallet.
- voting shows how contributors vote to resolutions.
- Complex flows:
- voting elaborates the logic behind the voting power distribution and delegation implemented in the Neokingdom DAO contracts
- redemption elaborates the logic behind the redemption process of Neokingdom DAO
- Integration tests:
- Integration is a collection of integration tests that touches multiple use cases.
- Integration governance+shareholders tests the invariant that the sum of shares and tokens is equal to the user's voting power
- Integration market+redemption tests that users promoted from investor to contributor have the right voting power.
Neokingdom DAO lives on EVMOS.
- NeokingdomToken (NEOK)
- ShareholderRegistry (NEOS)
, impl0x37aed261a1c6a3ef342ce14032636afd4a6328ca
- GovernanceToken
, impl0x21bc56fa89902ad945413ed606afc1fd8c22fbe2
- Voting
, impl0x3d76aaf1e34fcb191018cf8fc76dcc2547c4a59d
- RedemptionController
, impl0xe961a4bb3e1289215a597cbd14df57f4cd49c091
- InternalMarket
, impl0xeddf3b7810ca9dfb32e6a3e275e635987904450e
- ResolutionManager
, impl0x9f589d09e7760ad46ecf9348353f348aad6b35f4
- DAORoles
- Operator SAFE on EVMOS
# Update readme
python scripts/update-readme.py deployments/9001.network.json
# Clean the build dir, sometimes this is a good idea
npx hardhat clean
# Compile the contracts
npx hardhat compile
# Test the contracts
npx hardhat test
# Deploy to production
npx hardhat deploy --network evmos