JaTeDo - Javascript Test Documentator is a lightweight and dead simple solution to generate tests documentations usings easy jsdoc-like syntax.
It produces an HTML report in order.
The purpose is to maintain the test documentation alongside test scenarios. Please see example/moduleA for an use case.
$ npm install -g jatedo
$ jatedo (--version)
jatedo/0.0.1 linux-x64 node-v14.4.0
$ jatedo --help
Classic use
jatedo -i ./srcDirToScan -o ./outputDir -e .js
The generator use the following structure
Each case represents tests with details.
Use JS Doc style (/** */) to document the tests with the following case.
@testModule XYZ
(required) Describe the module (root).
(required) Describe the feature
(required) Describe the case that is tested
(recommended) Describe the expected result, one result required per case.
(not required) Describe the expectations / outcome per test. Can be present multiple times.
(not required) Describe parts tested. Can be present multiple times. Could be semantic for parts involved in the test, eg "DB", "API".
(not required) Describe some specific things to know about the test.
At the beginning of file/module to document, include the module description.
* @testModule Demo Module A
* @testFeature Array test
* @testNote This module is the demo module
Then, at each use case, include the description.
* @testCase indexOf return -1 when value is not present
* @testResult array.indexOf works as expected
* @testTag Array
* @testTag JSCore
* @testExpectation No console log displayed
* @testExpectation No exception thrown
* @testExpectation No additional checks done
* @testNote This test a javascript standard function
* @testNote This is a second note for this test case