ToDo App is a web application that allows the user create and manage their tasks. The site uses an API that allows to add, delete, edit and toogle elements. It created using React with Typescript
Technologies: React, Typescript, HTML, CSS(SCSS), REST API, Bulma, React transition group
- API Integration: Implementing an API in the application allows the user to save changes to the list and synchronize it with other devices, ensuring the constant relevance of the data
- Multifunctionality: User can add new tasks, edit them, delete old, toogle them status to completed or uncompleted, filter them, clear all completed and make all tasks - completed.
- Simple user-fruedly interface: A simple minimalist app, intuitive to use and styled with the bulma library
- Smooth animation: CSS Transition helps to get a smooth animation, and using a loader shows which elements change
For launching this project you must have Node.js and npm on your computer. This project uses node v14.
- Clone repository with git clone
- Install dependencies with npm install or npm i
- tart project with npm start
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