Basic Mode:
Users should be able to sign in and register securely. No frameworks like passport.js should be used to implement authorization. Passwords must be hashed (for hashing npm packages can be used).
Users should be able to create an exchange group (a group in which people joined will exchange gifts between them). Get information like name, date, registration date, budget, location, etc
Generate a code which can be used by users to join an exchange.
Create a detailed page for each exchange which is visible to the participants, display details collected while creating it and the list of participants.
Hacker Mode:
• Add a feature to invite people to the exchange.
• Pair the people registered for the exchange after the deadline has passed.
• Users should be able to create a wishlist by adding a product name, description, image, link to purchase the product, etc. They should also be able to delete and edit it.
• Create a feature to follow others by searching their names or email addresses.