lolite is an Azure Bicep orchestration tool. The main goal is to separate environment configuration from templates. This is inspired by the AWS Sceptre tool.
NOTE: lolite is still very much a WIP.
There is a getting started guide on my blog here. This is meant to be complementry to the info in this Readme.
- Separation of Bicep configuration and templates
- Deploy individual configurations
- Bulk deploy at different hierarchies: Resource Group, Subscription or Account
- Automated Resource Group Creation
- Automated deployment hierarchy based on output bindings.
- Support for anything other than Bicep on Azure
- Support for multiple Azure tenancies
- Python 3.8+
- Azure CLI
- Azure Bicep CLI
Note: tested on MacOS, Linux (Ubuntu) and WSL under Windows.
You can install lolite from pypi using: pip install lolite==0.0.1
- Clone this repo
- Build the project
python3 -m build
- Install
pip3 install dist/lolite-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
- You have a single account with multiple subscriptions
- Each subscription has a unique name
- All deployments are
--mode Incremental
- Parallel deploys
- configurable deploy mode
A lolite project is structured in the following way:
- root/
- bicep/
- storage_account_and_container.bicep
- configuration/
- Subscription_1/
- Resource_Group_1/
- location.yaml
- storage_account_and_container.yaml
- config_2.yaml
- Resource_Group_2/
- location.yaml
- config_1.yaml
- Subscription_2/
- Resource_Group_1/
- location.yaml
- config_1.yaml
Given the example structure above a few important things to note:
- this folder contains all of your bicep templates.configuration
- this contains your configuration for deployments, the hierarchy is important.Subscription_1
- This is the root level under configuration.Subscription_1
matched exactly the name of a subscription in Azure.Resource_Group_1
- At the root level of a given subscription. This sets the resource group for a deployment within that subscription.location.yaml
- A special configuration file to set the location of the resource group.storage_account_and_container.yaml
- This is a deployable configuration. It will link to a template in thebicep
folder and contain the required parameters.
Sample bicep
and configuration
folders are included in the root of this repo.
This is just a standard bicep template, for example when creating a storage account and container you might have a file such as storage_account_and_container.yaml
that looks something like:
param location string
param storageName string
param containerName string
param skuName string
resource StorageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-06-01' = {
name: storageName
location: location
kind: 'Storage'
sku: {
name: skuName
resource StorageContainer 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers@2019-06-01' = {
name: '${}/default/${containerName}'
properties: {
publicAccess: 'None'
output storageLocation string =
Given the configuration file
This is broken down into sections as such:
in this case storage_account_and_container.yaml
might look like the following:
bicep_path: storage_account.bicep
scope: resource_group
PythonScript: scripts/
storageName: storagetestlolit1
containerName: blog
skuName: Standard_LRS
location: Ref:Subscription_1.Resource_Group_1.config2:storageLocation
BashScript: scripts/
The bicep_path
here points to the template in the bicep/
folder of the project. This bicep template is then deployed using the provided params
block to the subscription and resource group determined by the configuration files path.
is an optional parameter, where the default value is not specified is resource_group
. The other valid value is subscription
. This sets the deployment at a subscription scope rather than a resource group scope. This is particularly useful for setting up Azure Policy
and post_hooks
allow you to specify external scripts that should be run before or after the bicep deplloyment respectivly. If A hook returns a non-success code deployment will be terminated. At current there is only support for Python3
scripts and Bash
scripts. pre_commit
and post_commit
Hooks are both optional optional.
Any parameter in the config file prefixes with Ref:
is a reference to an output from a different deployment. The format for referencing an output from a different deployment is:
where the deployent_path
replaces /
with .
When referencing the output from a different deployment lolite will first check if the dependent deployment exists then deploy it if required. If the dependent deployment does exist lolite will look up the output value and use it for the deployment. deployment hierarchy can be of an arbitrary depth and span across the whole project.
If the resource group for a deployment does not exist lolite will create it for you using the location specified by the location.yaml
This is a super simple file that is required for every resource group. It tells lolite what location to create the resource group in if it does not exist. Each resource deployed into that resource group inherits the location. An example of a location.yaml:
location: australiaeast
lolite is designed to be easy to use and allow scoped control of deployments.
From the root folder of your repository run the following command:
lolite deploy Subscription_1/Resource_Group_1/storage_account_and_container.yaml
This will deploy a single configuration / template
From the root folder of your repository run the following command:
lolite deploy-resource-group Subscription_1/Resource_Group_1
This will deploy every configuration file under that resource group
From the root folder of your repository run the following command:
lolite deploy-subscription Subscription_1
This will deploy each configuration file for each resource group in the specified subscription
From the root folder of your repository run the following command:
lolite deploy-account
This will deploy every configuration file in the project to the appropriate subscriptions and resource groups