The Ultimate Bond is a project designed to help pets and their owner. This project is helpful in the case when any owner wants to go outside or wants regular checkup of the pets.
Direct link-
Firstly, a login or signup page will open. After that user dashboard will be opened where the
information of the customer will be entered. The information of customer will contain:
- Name
- Age
- Address etc.
On the same page the information of pet will be entered like: - Breed
- Medical history
- Regular diet etc.
We will also be providing options to select whether the customer wants to do regular check- ups or wants to handover the pet for some time while the customer is going out.
After according to the option selected by the user we will be directing them to the required page.
On regular check-ups page we will be providing options for: - Normal check-up
- Injections
- Medication etc.
On handover process we will asking about some points like: - Timeline for taking care
- Payment gateway etc.