PowerSimulationsDynamics v0.10.3
Closed issues:
- add "EXAC1" (#34)
- Transformer dynamic branch implementation not working (#161)
- Throw Error when Machine Classic has AVR (#194)
- missing underscore in keyword in function add_source_to_ref (#246)
- Access static source current time series (#247)
- ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: BranchTrip not defined (#257)
Merged pull requests:
- add SingleCageInductionMachine model (#219) (@tavovalmo)
- Add SingleCageInductionMachine Model (#222) (@rodrigomha)
- Add DERA model (#226) (@m-bossart)
- Add reading of field voltage (#230) (@rodrigomha)
- EXST1 avr (#231) (@tavovalmo)
- several changes (#232) (@jd-lara)
- Fix induction motor test (#237) (@rodrigomha)
- EXAC1 avr (#238) (@luisdi97)
- Add EXAC1 (#239) (@rodrigomha)
- Remove extra calculation in Induction Motor models (#240) (@rodrigomha)
- 3rd order ind mot (#241) (@tavovalmo)
- add methods for dynamic transformers (#242) (@jd-lara)
- Update docs (#243) (@rodrigomha)
- Stab1 pss model (#244) (@tavovalmo)
- Jd/merge models2 (#245) (@jd-lara)
- add ext to dynamic wrapper (#249) (@m-bossart)
- Add new REGCA model using a voltage source (#251) (@rodrigomha)
- Error when Classic Machine is used with AVR (#252) (@rodrigomha)
- Fixed bug in add_source_to_ref and added post process to get source … (#254) (@ciaranrob)
- Add post processing of mechanical torque and source current (#256) (@rodrigomha)
- Add DERA model (#260) (@rodrigomha)
- remove jac sparsity heuristic (#261) (@jd-lara)