An internal app which can be implemented into game apk and used to generate Sdk Dumps without ROOT.
NO, it doesn't need Root Privileges.
- Clone the Repo and Open in Android Studio
- Compile the App and generate Apk
- Done
- Copy the Library file in the correct Game Libs folder (Shared Libraries) - Currently Supported - 32Bit & 64Bit
- Rename the dex (dumper apk) to the next number which the game has, For example - If the game has 3 dex file named as classes.dex, classes2.dex & classes3.dex then rename our apk dex as classes4.dex and put inside the game
- Open MainActivity file of the Game, For Example - BGMI's MainActivity where we can put our code is "SplashActivity" under "onCreate" Function.
- Now after findind the file put this line - "invoke-static {p0}, Lashope/tech/generator/MainActivity;->CheckOverlayPermission(Landroid/content/Context;)V" under "onCreate" Function. (NOTE - Put this line right before the "onCreate" string inside the "onCreate" Function)
- Save the Dex file and open our dex file that we copied inside the Game and Delete the "DeleteActivity" file and save the apk
- Now after all these, Sign the Apk (NOTE - You need to Kill SignVerification Before any of this Tutorial)
- Open Game and Dump as You Like it.
If you followed the Tutorial on "# How to Use?" properly then a Directory should appear on your sdcard (same place where "Download" folder is present) named as "DumpedGames" and inside should be another folder named as the game Packagename, For Example - For Game BGMI there should be "com.pubg.imobile" folder inside "DumpedGames" folder. Now every Dump should be Present inside their Respective folder.
- Add support for UE4-23+
- Add support to dump and regenerate Libs.
- Add support to Dump Specific Offsets only.
- Generate Internal Sdk Structures or Internal SDK.
- Add Support for UE3 and many other UE4 Games.
- Optimize Code for more faster and Efficient Dump structures.
- Add a seperate option for Non-Global Pointer Dump.