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InMooV - Service launcher v 1.0.0

This is the full configurable internationnal launcher script for Inmoov service.
Worky out of the box with standardized InMoov hardware configuration.

virtual inmoov screenshot

Getting Started

MORE informations here :

At this time ( v 1.0.0 ) , configurable things are inside the config folder.
By default virtual environment is started, so you can test things with no risk !

virtual inmoov screenshot

To start using the Finger Starter with real hardware, set :
( The Finger Starter is considered here to be right index, so make sure your servo is connected to pin3 of you Arduino )

ScriptType=RightSide | inside config/_InMoov.config  
MyRightPort=COMx | inside config/_service_6_Arduino.config  
isRightHandActivated=True | inside config/skeleton_rightHand.config  
voice command sample : OPEN HAND  

Check your configuration inside Inmoov.config ( exemple to change english to french )
If you setup 2 arduino + configs in skeleton folder, it can run full Inmoov or separated parts ( right hand / head ... )


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