This repository contains the scripts and functions necessary to reproduce the analyses and figures in this manuscript:
- Developmental trajectory of transmission speed in the human brain. D. van Blooijs*, M.A. van den Boom*, J.F. van der Aar, G.J.M. Huiskamp, G. Castegnaro, M. Demuru, W.J.E.M. Zweiphenning, P. van Eijsden, K. J. Miller, F.S.S. Leijten, D. Hermes, Nature Neuroscience, 2023, *these authors contributed equally.
Data are available on OpenNeuro:
Scripts to process the data, detect N1 responses and add tract information:
- scripts/ccep01_averageCCEPsAndDetectN1s.m
- scripts/ccep02_aggregateToStruct.m
- scripts/ccep03_addtracts.m
- scripts/ccep04_averageConnections.m
Scripts to make the figure panels:
- makeFig1A_and_SupFig9_plotMNI.m
- makeFig1B_subjectResponses.m
- makeFig1C_and_Fig3A_heatmaps.m
- makeFig2_and_Fig3BC_transmissionAges.m
To make all functions work, an m-file called personalDataPath.m should be stored in the root dir. This file should have the following content:
function localDataPath = personalDataPath()
% function that contains local data path, is ignored in .gitignore
localDataPath.input = '/my/path/to/load/data/';
localDataPath.output = '/my/path/to/save/data/';
- Fieldtrip:
- Lead DBS:
The project is funded by the National Institute Of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01MH122258 to Dora Hermes (Mayo Clinic) and by the Dutch Epilepsy Foundation (NEF #17-07).
Please contact Dora Hermes ([email protected]), Dorien van Blooijs or Max van den Boom for questions.