🌱 I’m currently learning Nest Js
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/Muhammad-Faheem-khan
💬 Ask me about JavaScript, React js, Vue js, Node js
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🌱 I’m currently learning Nest Js
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/Muhammad-Faheem-khan
💬 Ask me about JavaScript, React js, Vue js, Node js
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Login, Sign Up, and Post related Api
JavaScript 3
This project is based on Vue 2. In this project, crud operations have been performed on data fetched from dummy JSON APIs. These Apis only work for given users at the website https://dummyjson.com/…
This repository is based on code files of vue.Js 2 and vuetify 2. This project is profile dashboard once user sign up and then login to website. When sign up user data is stored in local storage pl…
Vue 4
This project is based on vue2 and vuetify. This website tells you the current and forecast weather of live location of system or current and forecast weather of selected city or country.
Employee Data Management System
JavaScript 5
This project is based on vanilla JavaScript and for backend DummyJSON apis are used to fetch data. These Apis only work for given users at the website https://dummyjson.com/docs/users. If you want …
JavaScript 2