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STUDENT NAME = "Håvard Daleng"
STUDENT ID = "10048"
This is a train scheduling application. It allows the user to manage a set of train departures arriving at-and departing from a single train station. It incorporates the ability to register new departures, add delay, change track, search and cancel among other functions.
All source files and tests are in packages under edu.ntnu.stud. The main source files are in the file path src/main/java/edu/ntnu/stud. Main class (TrainDispatchApp): Backend (TrainDeparture and DepartureOverview): edu.ntnu.stud.backend. GUI (DepartureOverviewGui): edu.ntnu.stud.gui.
Tests are located in src/test/java/edu/ntnu/stud in the corresponding packages.
The main class of the program is and is found under src/main/java/edu/ntnu/stud/app.
When running the program, it is expected that a separate window will open. This is the Java Swing interface. It should show a table already populated by ten train departures initialized prior to UI generation. A number of text fields and buttons should be present, all of which are labelled according to their purpose.
To make changes to individual departures it is not necessary to search. Simply select the departure in question and any changes will apply.
Upon adding departures or changing the attributes of existing departures, the table should immediately update on its own, showing only those departures departing after current time (top left of the interface). In the case of exceptions, the user is notified and informed of their cause in a second pop-up window. It is not necessary to restart the application upon exceptions.
If desired, the application can be run from the terminal using the following command: 'java -jar target/TrainDispatchSystem-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' when in the project directory.
To run tests manually, go to the project directory 'IDATT1003-Mappevurdering' and run the commands 'mvn compile' followed by 'mvn test'. Note that this requires Maven be installed.