Projet chat client serveur
- When ctrl-c, if father kill himself first, son cannot remove ppid pipe :/
- Le fork implique des soucis dans les getpid suivants et le ctrl c est capté par le fils et le pere
- Ask client for nick at startup
- Lockfile to prevent 2 client for write at same time
- Print all users after connexion
- Client P2P Message seg fault if size > block size PTNNNNNNN
- Change client memory management : change from struct to linked list
- Suicide if empty (last client disco)
- Make it a daemon
- handle commands (/who, /nick)
- Dynamic messge size
- Each sys call can return -1 and need 2 be tested.
- Add commands (i.e nickname, dest (pid or nick))
- Add channels
if (on a le temps) : TOTO :
- TCP/IP implement
make release to compile sources in release mode, binary files on bin/release/client and bin/release/server
make debug to compile sources in debug mode, binary files on bin/debug/client and bin/debug/server
make force to force rebuild from sources for both debug and release.
make clean to clear bin and obj files.
./ used to kill daemon server running and cleaning log files and pipe folders.
- server can be launched as a daemon with "dem" argument : 'bin/release/server dem', log file at "/tmp/chat.log/srv_dem.log"
- log file name can be provided as optional argument : located on folder "/tmp/chat.log/"
- no args
- Command list :
- /who : "List of connected users : nickname and pid"
- /nick $nickname : "Change my nickname"
- /msg $pid $message : "To send message to specific client pid"
- if client is started with no server running, one server is started in background as daemon.
- server stop when the last client leave.
- dynamic message size, dynamic client list