IRMC stands for Internet Relay Morse Code. This is an implementation of a MOIP client.
#Building Build the firmware under OSX: port install avr-binutils avr-libc avr-gcc avrdude make burn
#Testing Observe the "DG6FL/AVR" on on channel 33.
This software will run on Linux, Windows and OSX. With the RXTX software for Java (i.e. librxtxSerial.jnilib on OSX) it is even possible to connect to external hardware. NB: before you transmit make sure you uncheck the "circuit closer".
I use an duemilanove with a W5100 Ethernet Shield
The wiring is as follows: (see pin mapping)
Pin | Arduino Name | Function |
PD6 | Speaker | |
PC5 | analog Input 5 | Key (5V!) |
PD7 | Connect LED | |
PD4 | Data LED |
- Original post by Fernan Bolando (VE4FEB)
This is experimental code. The latest version working without too much tweaking is v0.2