Python library to help write Python code that interacts with Lab Streaming layer
As a library
from lslkit.components import outlets
file_out = outlets.FileReplayOutlet('my_lab_time_series.mat', stream_type='EEG',
srate=300, data_key='eeg')
From the Command line
python -m lslkit.replay_from_file --file-path=my_lab_time_series.mat --data-key=eeg --stream-type=EEG --sample-rate=300 --chunksize=1
from lslkit.components import processor
proc_f = lambda _df: _df.mean()
# Find a matching stream and build a processor around it
proc = processor.ProcessStream.from_resolve(proc_f, 'emg', max_buflen=512)
# Pull data until each dataframe has the required_size samples