Extension methods to make it easier to parse strings into other types.
public void DoSomeShadyStuff(string aNumberMaybe, string definitelyANumber, string iDontCareIfItsANumber)
//A number... maybe? Let's try to parse it into an integer without throwing exceptions
var number = aNumberMaybe.ToInt();
if (number.IsSuccess)
//It worked! This is a number!
//It wasn't a number after all :(
//If it's definitely a number then we don't have to use white gloves with this one! Convert it or throw in a very savage manner!
var otherNumber = definitelyANumber.ToIntOrThrow();
//This one could be garbage or a number... but I'm okay with getting a big fat zero in case it failed
var meh = iDontCareIfItsANumber.ToIntOrDefault();
I can hear you say "It's all well and good but what if I want to parse Dates?!"
public void DoMoreShadyStuff(string disguisedDate)
var myDate = disguisedDate.ToDateTimeOrThrow();
There are methods for most common primitive and not-so-primitive types.
//You can also do the following if you don't know the type ahead of time
public void IntensifyShadyness<T>(string ummWhatIsThis)
var thingy = ummWhatIsThis.Parse<T>();
var definiteThingy = ummWhatIsThis.ParseOrThrow<T>();
var recklessThingy = ummWhatIsThis.ParseOrDefault<T>();