Handy 6510 assembly modules for Kick Assembler
A simple task system.
similar to the one Robotron arcade uses.
note1: now when adding tasks, the system will search for a free slot to use.
Detect PAL / NTSC.
jsr SystemType
// A = 0 PAL
= 1 NTSC
lda SystemType.isNTSC
lda <value>
ldx <msb screen address>
ldy <lsb screen address>
// 00-FF
jsr Debug.PrintHex
// 0-255
jsr Debug.PrintDEC8
// initialize the joystick code
jsr Joystick.Reset
per vblank
jsr Joystick.Poll
ldx #Joystick.FIRE ( or UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT )
jsr Joystick.Pressed
// A = 1 input just pressed
// if you hold the button down this will return 1 only the first time you press the button
// A = 0 all other times
ldx #Joystick.FIRE ( or UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT )
jsr Joystick.Held
// A = 0 if it's currently held
// A = 1 if not
lda Joystick.data+UP
lda Joystick.data+DOWN
lda Joystick.data+LEFT
lda Joystick.data+RIGHT
lda Joystick.data+FIRE
// A!=$ff if it's been touched in the last 8 ticks
// (A & 1) == 0 if it's currently held
A simple test of the above modules.
detects PAL/NTSC and adjusts the frequency the TaskOS is updated.
In order to keep logic and timing the same on PAL or NTSC machines.
Shows how to add and change tasks running in the system.
Tapping fire will add a simple task ( these tasks will kill themselves after updating for a while )
quick port to Kickassembler module from.
Random numbers
jsr Random.RND8Seed
jsr Random.RND8
A = number
jsr Random.RND16Seed
jsr Random.RND16
A = high byte
Random.result16 is the word
jsr Random.RNDSIDInit
jsr Random.RNDSID
or use macro
lda #$value
memset(dest,size in bytes)
memcpy(source,dest,size in bytes)