- Development Team Members: Billy Lan, Michael De La Cruz, Edmund To, Clay Han
- Node 4.4.7
- PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Chrome 49.0 or Firefox 25.0
From within the root directory:
Install all npm dependencies.
npm install
npm run postinstall
Using PostgreSQL or MySQL, create a database for the project (we call it greenfield):
Populate the database with questions for the user.
npm run seed
Initiate webpack.
npm run build:dev
Open the server with Nodemon.
npm start
Once the app is up and running, you will need to create an Amazon S3 account to host recorded videos.
Create a S3 Bucket with the region US Standard Navigate to the bucket and click properties, update the CORS with the following
In your root directory, create a .env file.
touch .env
Inside of the .env file, provide the ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_BUCKET. You can create an AWS bucket inside of the S3 account. You .env file should look like this:
In order to push to Heroku, setup Heroku config variables (see above) as well as setup for Heroku Postgres addon
If you choose to run Webpack on production, run the following command to allow heroku to install devDependencies
heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false