ITI Graduation Project of Full-Stack Development Program Using JavaScript (MEARN Stack)
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Table of Contents
- Airbnb is a community-based online platform for listing and renting local homes. It connects hosts and travelers and facilitates the process of renting without owning any rooms itself. Moreover it cultivates a sharing-economy by allowing property owners to rent out private flats.
- Airbnb has a lot of functionalities that make any software engineer good enough with the technologies he learned, like (Payment, Image uploading, search, login, and registration..etc).
- How to use all of the technologies you have to build great software that's fit for all users needs.
Of course, We have worked to make the site the same way that the main site works in like the user interface and its functionality and how to make it fit all the user screens.
- This project bulid with MERN Stack technologies
- Netlify for Front-End
- Microsoft Azure for Back-End
These are instructions on setting up the project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone the repo.
git clone
- Install NPM packages.
npm install
- Run this command in your terminal.
npm run dev
some screenshots of our projeuct:
ITI Graduation Project
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Project Link: Airbnb-clone