ConFusionServer is a back-end ( node js & express js app) that serves the front-end client side, it contains several components of back-end such as (passport-OAuth & local & third party(facebook) Authentication), also it includes cors and admin & user restricts for several sections, in addition to mongoose schemas & routers & generators & encryption using https protocol (signed certificate) and redirecting from http to https. ConFusionServer is a complete back-end app that consists of 2 layers (express server and database server which is mongodb)
Project main elements
- express server using (npm i express --save)
- morgan module for log any info requests on console
- body-parser for parsing body to json object
- express-generator module for generating an express project skeleton
- mongodb server for storage as a NoSql dataabse
- mongodb driver for connecting to mongodb
- mongoose module for connecting to mongodb and define a fixed schema
- cookie-parser for dealing with authentication using cookies
- session & session-file-store for dealing with authentication using sessions
- passport & passport-local & passport-local-mongoose for dealing with authentication using local passport
- passport-jwt & jsonwebtoken for dealing with authentication using json web token instead of sessions & cookies
- passport-facebook-token for dealing with authentication using OAuth
- multer for dealing with uploading images from forms and encryption
- openssl generating certificate for https purposes
Some End points for dealing with server (postman)
- see end points folder (import end points to postman)
* npm i express --save
* npm install morgan --save
* npm i body-parser --save
* npm i express-generator -g
* express conFusionServer
* mongod --dbpath=data --bind_ip
* mongo
* npm i mongodb --save
* npm i assert --save
* npm install mongoose --save
* npm install mongoose-currency --save
* npm i cookie-parser --save
* npm i express-session session-file-store --save
* npm install passport passport-local passport-local-mongoose --save
* npm i passport-jwt jsonwebtoken --save
* openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out cert.csr
* openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.pem
* npm i multer --save
* npm i cors -save
* npm i passport-facebook-token --save
* db
* use conFusion
* db.dishes.insert({"name":"pizza", "description":"Test"});
* db.dishes.find().pretty()
* db.getCollectionNames()
* db.dishesdb.drop()
* exit