- Description.
- System Architecture.
- Hardware.
- Deep Learning Model.
- Email and Sms Notifying.
- Mobile Application.
- Topics used for implementation.
- Awards.
- This is a complete smart surveillance system which can be deployed on a Rasbperry PI 4 equipped with a Camera module. The system is able to detect Fire and weapons in real time and report the location of the threat to the relevant authorities via a serverless backend, The system can report by SMS, Emails and a Cross-platform application. with a maximum delay time of 4 seconds.
Using Amazon AWS Lambda serverless cloud functions it can invoke operations on AWS SNS and AWS Dynamo DB to handle the response of the detected threeat.
- Python, Yolo V3, CNNs.
- Rasbperry PI configuration.
- APIs in Amazaon AWS.
- Flutter, AWS DynamoDB.