To use these you'll require Udonsharp which can be found here
Attach it to an empty gameobject, and it will slowly rotate the skybox for all players.
Will toggle the active state of an array of bojects for all players, and keep it in sync for new players when they join.
Will check if the user interacting with an object is the master, and if they are will call the configuerd event.
A script that will move all children objects of the "Parent Object" to the position of the "Reset Location" on an Interact event.
Set the Trigger to the trigger gameobject you want to check the inside of for players. Set the Recheck interval to how often you want the script to check for users within the region. Set the event target and event name, this will be called when no users are found inside the region. The event is global by defailt, if you want it to be local you can disabled EventIsGlobal
Call StartEvent to start the timer, it will also fire a startevent if provided one. After timerLength seconds, the end event will fire and the timer will stop.
Counts the amount of users inside a trigger object and then displays this number onto a text field UI object. Made to add counters to show hoiw many people are in a room.
A simple script that will display all objects in the provided array and hide them for others. Will update to new master whenever the master leaves the instance too.
When placed on a UI Checkbox element will sync the state of the checkbox between all players, and toggle any provided objects to an on or off state depending on which field they are provided into.
Locally disables any provided objects when a user leaves an area. For things like disabling a mirror when a user walks away.
Enables objects for anyone who's username matches the ones in the provided array, otherwise disables the object.