Releases: MisterMjir/pTable
Skipping 2.2.0!
All changes are under the hood, now there is a res folder which has a table.csv with the table data.
- Download
- Extract the zip
- If you move the program, make sure you keep the .exe, .dll, and the res folder in the same place
Prerequisites: CMake build system
- Download the source code
- Extract the source code
- Run
$ cmake .
to get a Makfile - Run
to build everything - When running the program, the current working directory should be one level outside the executable, run
$ ./bin/pTerminal
- Download apk
- Go to the location of the download
- Install the apk
Fixed Crash in 2.1.0. Also cleaned up code and made the element structs use less memory by switching to int8_t
s instead of int
There is buggy output with this version, forgot to cast the int8
s to (int)
for std::cout
Skipping 2.0.0! (That just changed the project from simply an app to a dynamic library). Added radius for comparison.
Note that there is now a .dll file for windows (since it's a shared library now) so make sure the .dll is in the same folder as the .exe
This release has a crash (#4) when you type in help as an argument for a command that takes no arguments. It is highly recommended that you use a different version.
Fixes the crash in 1.1.0 where typing just the command name crashes the application
Install the .exe
You can also build this is you want by using MinGW and Windows GNU Make (If you don't know what this means just use the executable)
Install the source and run $ make
where you installed pTable
Run by using ./ptable where ptable is located
Elements now have Electronegativity values! Also added a compare command so you can compare these electronegativity values.
This version has a known bug (#2) where typing just the command name crashes the program if the command takes arguments. It is highly recommended that you install a different version.
Initial Release!
First Release
First release of pTable. Very limited features, more coming soon but no memory leaks!
For Windows
Just install the .exe and run it
For Linux
Install the zip and run make