As a competition organized in Madeira by Sky, we were tasked to design and implement a playlist manager with the backend written in C#.
We decided to implement a rest API, with a MongoDB docker container as the database, as well as ASP.NET Core for the backend, and React for the frontend.
This is the frontend for the backend found here.
The trending page shows the most popular assets being played by the platform's users.
A user can sort the assets by their monthly, weekly and daily popularity.
The assets can also be directly added to a user's playlist.
The search page can be used to search for and play assets on a variety of platforms.
The user can search YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, SoundCloud and Vimeo, Mixcloud, DailyMotion, Twitch for various videos, songs, or podcasts.
The user can also search for a wide variety of radios located all around the world.
In the community page, the user can search for and follow the public playlists of other users sorted by their popularity.
This page can also be used to search for other users, and follow them.
In the following page, the user can find and sort the users and playlists they follow.
In the my profile page, the user can edit their information and manage their followers.
This page is also used to find and edit or delete a user's own playlist.
When a user clicks on a playlist, they are redirected to the playlist page.
In this page, the user can play the playlist's assets, or remove them and sort them if he is the owner of the playlist.
The user can click on the blinking green dots to see which of their friends are online.
The user is notified when their friends come online or go offline, and can see and start playing the same asset the friend is watching.