Welcome to the project repository for ASU CSE 485 Capstone project.
If the website is built using GitHub, the URL for accessing the website will always be: https://{github_username}.github.io/{repo_name}/
Please do not directly push your code to dev
branch, use a new branch to make your change, and create Pull Request for reviewing.
Source code is at the dev
branch, the master
branch is for auto build tools to produce the website.
- Install the newest
- Install the
Angular CLI
using following command:npm install -g @angular/cli
- More detailed set up tutorial can be found here
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/NASA-Visualization-Mission/page.git
Install all dependencies
npm install
Compiles, and hot reload locally (for debugging and testing)
ng serve
Checkout to the dev
git checkout -b dev
Make a new branch to create Pull Request for making changes
git checkout -b feature/testPR
Commit your change with message
git commit -m "message"
Push your changes
git push --set-upstream origin feature/testPR
Create a PR, and notify team members for reviewing.
After code is approved, merge it into the dev