This program consists of 3 tasks where I analyzed data and provided insights and recommendations based on the findings. Here are the main points of each task:
- Examined transaction and customer data, checked for anomalies and missing values, and cleaned the data.
- Analyzed customer segments and their chip purchasing behavior using charts and graphs.
- Identified the top customer segments based on total sales and average chip quantity purchased.
- Provided insights on customer trends, such as the most purchased brands and chip sizes.
- Made recommendations for targeting specific customer segments based on their behavior.
- Evaluated the performance of a store trial conducted in stores 77, 86, and 88.
- Selected control stores and compared them with trial stores based on sales revenue, number of customers, and transactions per customer.
- Tested if the total sales were significantly different during the trial period and analyzed the drivers of change.
- Identified the trial stores that showed a significant increase in performance compared to the control stores.
- Provided visualizations to illustrate the performance comparison.
- Prepared a report for the client, the Category Manager, using insights from Task 1 and 2.
- Followed the "Pyramid Principles" framework to structure the report.
- Included data visualizations, key callouts, and recommendations.
- Emphasized the data literacy level of the audience and maintained a balanced content display.
- Summarized the findings and provided next steps for the strategic plan.
I delivered the final report to using PowerPoint, ensuring easy understanding of the insights and recommendations through clear visualizations and concise information.