This is an attempt to make a simplified version of Token Mold that slims down the feature set. The main feature is the ability to automatically roll hit points when a token is placed. And that's it!
Token Mold is currently (19/06/2023) broken on v11. Instead of waiting for a fix, I figured I would make my own version that simplifies the module down to the only feature I use from it. Since I was doing that anyway, why not release it to everyone.
Token Mold has updated for v11, therefore this is no longer required. If it breaks again in v12 I will update it.
In the token controls menu, there is a new option (a heart with a lightning bolt). Toggle it on and then drag any token onto the canvas. The hit points will be rolled with the hit points formula. The actor must be using an NPC sheet and their token must be unlinked.