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Nick edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

How does it work?

There are multiple ways to flip an image. In this library I choose the easy way, but this is not the fastest.

At first you create a new blank image with the dimensions form the original. Than you have to iterate every pixel. The current pixel will get a new position for the flip. In horizontal the new x position is the image width - the current x position - 1 of the pixel. The -1 is necessary to "correct" the image width, because x is the index and begins with 0. A vertical flip is the same with the image height. Now you have the new pixel position and the pixel could placed in the blank image.

int newx = horizonal ? (image.width - x) - 1 : x;
int newy = vertical ? (image.height - y) - 1 : y;
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