From the original Adafruit monochrome falling stars comes color stars on a color background.
I thought I could do it one better so I did. Here is color stars on a color background. There were some silly problems along the way like when the random function started taking 19 seconds to return a value. But all is worked out now. (I never figured out what caused the random generator to take so long. This is the second time I have encountered this problem)
It has been converted to a sprite to reduce the remaining flickering. I started this years ago and it was start and stop many times. I finally went back to it and finished. I hope you like it. Comments and code suggestions welcomed. I don't snarl and block people (like some other authors do) when suggestions or bugs are reported. I like to improve code whenever I can.
5/5/2023 -- Now with 5 different background color generators, just for variety. Many other little tweaks to make it really "right". Enjoy.