Find the next departure for a bus, tram or train within Swedens public transportation system.
The full application can be downloaded from:
This application is an Android application written in Kotlin.
Grab the source code and open it in Android Studio 3 or higher. Make sure that you have the Android SDK up-to-date (version 27 is used)
Just do a Gradle sync and all dependencies shall be downloaded.
API accounts for accessing Trafiklabs API services is required. You can register your account at:
After this step is performed you will need to subsribe to the following APIs:
The class should look this:
object WebApiKeys {
const val reserobotKey = "<insert key>"
const val reserobotDepartureBoardKey = "<insert key>"
To run the tests, simply select the com.imploded.minaturer (test) package and click Ctrl+Shift+F10
- Android studio - IDE
- Gson - JSON Serialization library
- Fuel - Kotlin http networking library
- Dagger2 - Dependency injection library
- Mockito - Mocking framework