This repository includes projects and papers created in the context of the Microbial Dark Matter project (2021-2023)
More info can be found on the project webpage:
- GraphMB: Metagenomics binner using assembly graph and graph convolutional networks
- VaeG-Bin: Metagenomics binner using GNNs and single copy genes (incorporated into GraphMB)
- CCVAE: Metagenomics binner using a connectivity-constrained loss function on an VAE (no GNN, also incorporated into GraphMB)
- Fishnchips: ONT basecaller
- metagenomics-genome-recovery: Background and state-of-the-art of metagenomics for bioinformatics, made in 2021
- assembly graph bin: GraphMB paper for Bioinformatics (published in 2022)